forty → 12/31

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Chapter Forty: December 31st

A/N: I'm really sorry I haven't updated in forever. I'm really busy with senior year and college applications (which are due in less than a month) and I'm super stressed ;-; Also this chapter was super difficult to write so it totally demotivated me. I'm really ready for this story to be over with (it's been nearly a year) so I can move on and write something new :) Thanks for sticking with me for so long! Hope you enjoy! 

Makoto stares down into his flute of champagne, feeling slightly dizzy and regretting the previous two glasses he downed half an hour ago.

Surrounding him is utter chaos, and no, not the trickster (thank goodness) and having a swimming head isn't helping him make sense of it all. The Amakata parents and the Nanases are gathered around in the living room, the television on full blast. They're watching a countdown for the New Year, which, according to the giant clock in bottom corner of the screen, is in a little less than an hour.

Makoto wasn't expecting a party like this. Of course, he's always enjoyed staying up until midnight with his family, clutching onto his siblings' hands and screaming at the clock as it ticks closer and closer to midnight. He relished in those moments, where they blew onto noise makers, gave each other hugs and sloppy kisses, crashed on the couch only minutes later. It was only in the more recent years his mother allowed him to taste champagne, but never like this.

This was going full-on haywire.

"Dance with me, Robert~," A completely-smashed Lucinda Nanase croons as she stumbles over to her brother. She sets down her fifth glass of champagne and grabs his wrists, pulling him to his feet. "Miho, turn up the music!"

Miss Amakata complies, a tipsy smile on her lips as she twists the knob on the stereo, playing an old 80's dance song that makes her whoop with joy. She undoes the knot at the nape of her neck and allows her jet-black hair to bounce on her shoulders, spinning around with her brother in her arms.

Makoto sits on the couch, watching the scene unfold before his eyes. Every part of him feels like cringing, watching the woman make such a fool of herself amidst her wasted stupor. The other adults seem to be having fun too, all dancing together like drunk toddlers to the too-loud music.

He sneaks a side look at Haruka, who seems to be thinking the same thing as him. Sat on the opposite side of the couch, he watches his mother with widened, horrified eyes as she practically grinds on her husband, looking like a twenty-something stripper.

Makoto scoots closer, close enough to whisper in his ear. "You want to get out of here?" He asks, not intending for it to sound sexual, but judging by the way Haruka's eyes light up with an unknown flame, the message he intended does not come across.

Haruka's fingers brush against his not-so-subtly. "After midnight," He whispers back, his warm breath fanning the skin under Makoto's ear. "I have something I want to do first."

"What?" Makoto asks, suddenly dizzy, but Haruka seems distracted, his eyes on his parents. He watches them for a moment, the smirk on his lips dropping to a worried frown. "Haru? Are you okay?"

"Wha-? Oh, I'm fine, Makoto," Haruka says quickly. "Come on, let's dance."

Makoto pushes away the worry and hops to his feet, glad to see Haruka's more inspired to continue practicing his dance skills. His hand fits perfectly around the small of Haruka's back, but after a moment of waltzing around, the song shifts, now playing a party song that they twist and shout to.

The statement "If you can't beat them, join them" makes sense to Makoto now as he feels himself melt into the insanity. He doesn't feel as weirded out by the parents dancing when he's in on the fun - maybe all it takes is to not care so much and just feel free.

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