thirty three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

A/N: yall this mashup is so good!!! im living

They're wandering aimlessly downtown twenty minutes later, not really wanting to go home but not really knowing what to do, either. Their hands, intertwined, swing by their sides joyously. It is Makoto's only source of warmth on the chilly day.

Just as they pass an old ice cream parlor, Makoto suddenly stops.

"Let's go here," He announces, pulling him towards the door.

"Ice cream? In December?" Haruka exclaims. "Are you crazy?"

"I like to live on the edge," Makoto says with a straight face, tossing the door open. Haruka holds back a laugh at the stupid joke, rolling his eyes. "God, you're such a dork. I love you."

Makoto stops.

But Haruka keeps going, walking into the parlor, apparently unaware as to what he just said.

Makoto tries to shake off the sudden flash of pain in his stomach.

It's good pain.

Growing pain.

"You coming?" Haruka holds the door open. Makoto nods, head ducked down as he passes the threshold.

The bell on the door tinkles and Makoto takes in the appearance of the quaint ice cream shop. As to be expected, the store is nearly empty. The cashier is listening to music and barely looks up when they enter the store.

They order their ice creams, Haruka a small blackberry vanilla swirl and Makoto a large vanilla sundae with sprinkles, cherries, and any kind of fruit he can add. Finding a seat inside - because there's no way they're eating ice cream in near-freezing temperatures outside - they dig into their ice creams and sit quietly, content with the frozen treat and the comfortable silence.

Though, Makoto's has never really liked silence. When there's nothing else going on, the only thing to accompany him is his thoughts, which are his worst enemy. He sneaks the occasional look at Haruka, taking small bites of his ice cream, and he can't help but wonder where this leaves them. They're traipsing the line of friends and relationship, and Makoto is afraid with one wrong move, everything could become super awkward. Which he hates.

We're on a date, Makoto confirms, so does this mean we're dating? Neither one of us has asked to make it official yet. Do I need to? Does he want me to? What if he doesn't? What if-

"So, are you doing anything for the rest of break?" Makoto hears Haruka ask calmly.

Makoto feels relieved to think of something other than their relationship status, and he shakes his head. "Nah," He answers half-heartedly. "Probably just avoiding my dad. Maybe getting an early start on homework." Haruka nods, and Makoto remembers to ask. "You?" He finally adds.

"Yeah. I'm leaving for a vacation to France on Wednesday," Haruka responds dully, like he was explaining the weather. Of course, to Makoto, his statement is anything but casual.

"France?" He gasps all-too dramatically.

To his left, he notices the ice cream girl look at them in annoyance. His cheeks flushing, he averts his gaze and stares at the table, a nervous smile on his face.

"Yeah," He responds, although the way Haruka says it, it comes out more like a question. Raising an eye at him curiously, he continues his explanation. "My family goes there every winter break to visit our grandparents," He takes a small bite of ice cream. "Actually, my aunt wanted me to invite you. Said you've never been out of the country before, or something."

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