sixteen → 12/15

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Chapter Sixteen: December 15th

Makoto feels like a stalker.

Okay. Screw that. Makoto is definitely a stalker. He has absolutely no good reason to be where he is right now, but at this point he is running out of time, and he needs answers, fast. The 19 on his hand felt like a thousand-pound weight dragging him down, or maybe it is the electromagnetic force that had drawn him to the front doors of Entre les Lignes, standing next to a god-awful pink car parallel parked in the street. Either way, he is down to nineteen days, and although that could be all the time in the world to others, it was one less day he has to save Haruka.

He knows more, now, thankfully, due to that argument two days ago. He knows Haruka's older sister was hit by a car to save his life, that his parents, the depressed, alcoholic cheaters, neglect him on the regular. He knows that his only friend in life abandoned him without so much as a goodbye. He also knows that Haruka has a desire to live like a hermit, lies about how he's feeling all the time, and takes care of his younger cousins more than he cares for himself.

Makoto cringes at himself for his position just a few hours earlier- at the town library, sitting in the non-fiction section with paperback copies of Understanding your Troubled Teen and Your Child and Depression sprawled out on his lap. His eyes had scanned over the pages for hours, trying to figure out the proper methods for guiding Haruka back to a path where he could be happy.

And yet, he wasn't a parent. He can't do much at all, from what he realized, just continue to be around Haruka, and as Dr. Hira Morishima describes in her book, "offer emotional support".

But Makoto wasn't satisfied with that. There has to be something, anything he could to ensure he could save Haruka. He knows he won't be able to sleep until he figures out more information.

And so, he stands in front of the two story downtown building, convincing himself that the thing he is about to do is the best choice in the long run.

Actually, Makoto hadn't even intended to end up in front of Entre Les Lignes. He was actually pursuing the downtown shopping center for birthday gifts for the twins. He'd already bought a model airplane for Ren - he's always wanted to be a pilot when he grows up - and planned to give him a remote-control helicopter for Christmas. Ran, however, was a different story. He didn't know much about girls and what they liked, and his sister tended to be more quiet and reserved. She liked being creative, but she was so fickle with her newest art medium he was never sure to buy her pastels or watercolors or markers. So, he figured, why not get her a book? Those were safe. Ran, already at a high school reading level, loved fantasy novels, and what better place to buy a book than Iwatobi's very own family-owned book store?

I'm just here for a book, Makoto convinces himself, failing miserably because he doesn't believe himself for a second. I'm just going to walk in, make a quick purchase for Ran, and head home. No funny business.

He pulls open the door and the doorbell tinkles. Makoto has barely made two steps into the store when a familiar face reveals herself from around a bookshelf.

"Tachibana-san!" Miss Amakata smiles warmly. "What a pleasant surprise. Are you here to see Haruka?"

As much as he would like to, Makoto doesn't know if he can face Haruka after all these confusing feelings are muddling his mind. Maybe this was a mistake, he thinks worriedly. What would Haruka think if he saw me show up here unattended?

"Actually," Makoto says quietly, fiddling with his fingers behind his back, deciding to admit the truth. Might as well make the most of it. "I came here to see you."

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