twenty nine → 12/25

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: December 25th

A/N: Sorry Makoto is so extra in this. Also, Frosty the Snowman spoilers, so beware, lol.

Makoto wakes up in what could be deemed as either the worst or best way possible: trampled by his younger siblings. They fling themselves on his bed, pinning him to the mattress and aggressively shaking him awake.

"Wake up, Onii-chan!" They shout in unison in a sing-song voice. "It's Christmas!"

Makoto doesn't even need to open his eyes to envision the giant grins on their faces. "Come on, Onii-chan!" He hears Ran whine when he mumbles something incoherently and shoves his face into his pillow. "Mom says we can't open presents until you're awake!"

Albeit exhausted as usual, Makoto eventually complies and allows his siblings to drag him out of bed. He stumbles into his bathroom, brushes his teeth and hair, and splashes cold water on his face, wanting to feel somewhat like a human being before he left his room. When he exits the bathroom, he notices through his open window that snow is falling in flurries outside, collecting on their front porch and covering the lawn and trees in a blanket of white.

He stretches out his sore muscles by raising his arms over his head and yawns lazily before grabbing the blanket on the foot of his bed, wrapping it around his body, and trudges into the living room. Makoto flops down on a spot on the couch, getting a front-seat view of Ran and Ran, who are sitting criss-crossed by the tree, each with a present in their hands and grinning at them excitedly.

"Good morning, Makoto," His mother greets him with a kiss to the forehead, handing him a cup of steaming coffee. Makoto thanks her and takes a sip, the drink burning his tongue but delicious nonetheless.

"Mo-oom, can we start now?" Ren wails impatiently. His mother whips out her iPhone and opens the camera application, telling them they can open their presents.

The twins rip into their packages excitedly, Ren screaming when he sees the Lego set he's always wanted and Ran practically drooling at her new book. There aren't as many presents under the tree this year, but his mother somehow managed to score a good deal on some iPod Touches. Ran and Ren practically fainted at the sight of them, shouting at the ceiling a dramatic thank-you to Santa Claus.

Though Makoto didn't find Christmas as exciting as when he was a child, he loved the aura that came from the holiday. His favorite thing about the Christmas season was the happiness; the joy on his siblings' faces, the joy his mother received in response to that, even the occasional tight-lipped smile from his silent father. The magic of Santa Claus is long gone for Makoto, and Makoto always felt awkward receiving gifts from others, but he was appreciative nonetheless.

There were some presents for Makoto as well. He first opened a box filled with clothes, which he didn't mind in the slightest; he could always do with a new sweater, tees, and some pairs of jeans. He also received a book, an autobiography of a World War II survivor that caught his eye but never got around to reading, as well as a bottle of nice cologne.

Makoto forces himself to look surprised upon opening the presents even though this is his second time living through Christmas this year, thanks to Death. Judging by the jubilant expression on his mother's face, he must have sold the act pretty well.

All in all, the Christmas exchange is successful, save for a small, inevitable detail - his father. Makoto knows he's been avoiding him, but really, you couldn't blame him: after living with a parent that is virtually nonexistent in your life, you aren't going to jump and invite them back in the moment they show up. Makoto feels like it's the first time he's seen his dad in weeks.

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