twenty eight → 12/24

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: December 24th

Ambient light streams in rivulets between Haruka's window blinds, and Makoto can't help but relish in the feeling of warm light painted on his face as he stirs awake. For a moment, he forgets who he is and where he is, but the memories of last night settle in his mind - this time, they aren't disappearing.

Haru isn't disappearing, Makoto adds to himself with a smile as he rolls to his side and takes in Haruka's features.

If Makoto has to describe Haruka in one word, it would be striking. When he is conscious, he is striking in the sense that he draws light to himself even though no one ever notices him; all you have to do is take one look and then you're drawn in, like a moth to a flame. However, when he's sleeping, Haruka's usually sharp features relax; his beauty is striking in its unguarded state. Instead of his usual stubborn scowl he sports, his mouth is slightly parted, breathing softly, his long eyelashes hugging his cheeks. Makoto breaks out into a grin when he sees Haruka's usually floppy hair sticking up messily in all directions, pushed away from his forehead for once.

"Mmmm, stop staring," Haruka murmurs, so quietly Makoto thinks he may be talking in his sleep. Haruka cracks one eye open and Makoto feels himself blush. Shit, he thinks, knowing he's been caught.

"How did you-" Makoto stutters.

"You stopped breathing there for a second," Haruka tells him simply, staring at him with both eyes now. He's smirking, clearly enjoying this, enjoying the look on his face.

Makoto's lips curl into a smile. "What can I say?" He teases. "You just take my breath away."

Haruka's cheeks alight with a blush and he flops back down on the pillow, shielding his eyes away. "Shut up," He mumbles, his voice muffled by the pillow. Makoto laughs softly, slowly bringing his hand up to trace Haruka's jawline with his fingers with a featherlight touch. Haruka leans into his touch and his eyes flutter shut, a soft smile on his face.

"What are you thinking right now?" Makoto asks him suddenly, because he can't figure it out for the life of him.

"Just..." Haruka whispers, voice barely audible, "I haven't felt this happy in a long time."

It is now Makoto's turn to blush. He tilts his head so he is eye-to-eye with Haruka, his hand still resting on his cheek. Haruka's skin is warm and flush under his fingertips. "Me too. I'm really glad, Haru. That this is happening. That we're happening," Makoto rambles. "Sorry. I shouldn't have-"

Haruka interrupts him by pressing a soft kiss to his lips. It is unlike all the other kisses they've previously shared; unlike the others, desperate and hungry for more, this one was tender, like they have all the time in the world for each other. A kiss like this, Makoto presumes, could very well stop time itself. Makoto melts into it immediately and before he knows it, Haruka's on top of him, and they're lazily making out, Haruka hands exploring the dips and angles on his body and sending electric shocks wherever his fingers trail across his skin.

Maybe it's only a few seconds, or perhaps several minutes later, but eventually Makoto breaks apart their lips and stares up at Haruka, who's breathing heavily and looking even more messy than before. "I should get going," Makoto mumbles in between kisses. "Not like I want to, but my mom said we were going shopping on Christmas Eve, and- mmph!" He's silenced by another kiss.

Haruka does pull away, however, looking annoyed and just the slightest bit disappointed. "I'll help you clean up," Makoto offers. Haruka nods, starting to strip off the sheets while Makoto throws away a discarded condom wrapper and folds up the duvet to be placed in the corner.

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