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Chapter Seven

A/N: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or have a lovely holiday season! xx

"Mako-chan, have you been listening to anything I've said?"

Makoto raises his head to look up at Nagisa upon hearing the break in his spiel about whatever newest gossip was floating around, momentarily interrupted from his mental argument. Nagisa looks mildly annoyed when he sees the sheepish smile spread on Makoto's lips.

"Sorry, I'm just tired," He excuses himself, knowing it is at least partially the truth. But even though he is exhausted, his brain keeps wandering back to Haruka. He is currently debating if he made up that entire interaction with him this morning, convincing himself that he is not crazy and he most certainly had a run in with Death himself and he's been shot back twenty-eight days in time to save Haruka Nanase from committing suicide.

With a subtle pinch to his side, he confirms that this is indeed reality, not just some strange dream. He isn't sure which would be worse, really.

Nagisa's teasing tone is evident as a smirk forms on his face. "Oh, were you up late, Mako-chan? With a special lady, perhaps~?" He croons, leaning in and bumping shoulders with Makoto as they walk to the cafeteria. Unfortunately for Makoto, the only class he and Haruka share is homeroom, meaning he isn't able to see Haruka until their lunch period. The moring has been spent with Makoto attempting to come up with something to say to him, but the anticipation has only tied his insides into tighter and tighter knots.

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes at Nagisa's suggestive question, he shakes his head dismissively. "No," He whispers, feeling slightly defensive, because he was with someone last night, but Nagisa didn't need to know that. "I was just out late with a friend, and then my homework took forever to finish."

"This is what happens when you take all honors classes, Mako-chan!" Nagisa whines. "You're a third year, you should be enjoying your last year of high school before you venture off into the world!"

As a second-year himself, Nagisa often marveled at the idea of being an upperclassman and made it a point to convince Makoto what an incredible opportunity he has. Makoto doesn't see the appeal himself; being a third-year just means dealing with advanced classes, entrance exams, and choosing a college, which comes with choosing a career. Makoto has no earthly idea what he wants to do with his life; he's not particularly good at any subject and he doesn't have any passions. The last time he was even involved in a club was his last year of middle school, where he was on the swim team. But even then, Makoto wasn't that spectacular at swimming, but he stayed for the sake of his friends. When he moved on to high school, he figured it would be best to focus on studying and homework, not tedious things such as swimming.

When Nagisa sees the cross look on Makoto's face, he sighs. "Come on, Mako-chan, allow yourself to have some fun once in a while. You should go to a party or something, meet some new people."

Makoto practically snorts at the absurd idea of going to a party. A comment is threatening to pass his lips - you must be stupid to think alcohol, social interaction, and I mix well - but he bites his lip to refrain from being rude. Instead, he politely declines the idea with his classic nervous smile.

"No, you'll have fun, I promise!" Nagisa insists. "This is perfect! You can come with Rei and me to Sousuke's christmas party next weekend!"

Makoto wrinkles his nose the moment Sousuke's name is spoken.

Sousuke Yamazaki, the golden boy of the school, is the lacrosse captain and had the entire student body wrapped around his finger. He is a major asshole and famous for his house parties, and he and Makoto haven't gotten along since middle school when they were partnered up for a science fair project on photosynthesis. The only cool thing about Sousuke is the fact he is openly dating Nagisa's swim club friend, Rin Matsuoka.

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