eighteen → 12/16

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Chapter Eighteen: December 16th


Makoto is practically out of breath as he sprints down the hall towards Nagisa and Rei's adjacent lockers. Nagisa is talking animatedly to Rei about who knows what as he digs through his cluttered locker, and Rei looks completely engrossed in what he's saying. When Makoto rushes by their side, however, they stop talking and their heads snap up to look at Makoto worriedly.

"Makoto-senpai? What's wrong?" Rei asks, concern laced in his voice.

Nagisa stops babbling on when he notices Makoto standing beside him, clutching his knees to regain his breath. "I... You..."

Nagisa rolls his eyes, not interested in talking. "What do you want?" He spits out, still clearly pissed after the last interaction the two had had. His eyes narrow accusatory at Makoto, who looks down at him helplessly as he straightens up.

Rei is saying something about having a better running form - as a former track and field star, he was very knowledgeable on the topic - but Makoto isn't listening to a single word. Eventually, he gets enough oxygen back in his lungs to form cogent, complete sentences.

"You were right, Nagisa..." Makoto admits breathlessly.

"What do you mean?" Nagisa frowns, looking, for a moment there, distracted - almost worried, even.

"I like Haruka," Makoto admits, and he feels a weight being lifted off his shoulders as he tells the truth. "I like him so much."

Nagisa's expression is blank for the slightest of moments until realization sets in and his eyes light up, a huge smile breaking out on his face.

"Yes!" He cheers loudly, pumping his fists in the air. "I knew it! I knew you had a thing for him!"

Makoto feels his face warm up and he avoids the way Nagisa is grinning at him so hard his face could very well crack in two. "Well, yeah. I should've listened to you. I'm sorry. You were right."

"Of course I'm right!" Nagisa clutches his chest dramatically. "I have the greatest gaydar at this school! I can spot 'em from a mile away!"

Makoto fights back a snort. Okay, Nagisa. He resists the urge to roll his eyes. You do you.

"Come on, I'm starving!" Nagisa grabs Makoto's arm and drags him towards the cafeteria entrance. "Rei-chan, let's go!"

Nagisa and Rei go and sit down at their usual table, and Makoto joins them, already having packed a lunch for once (he actually had extra time this morning; waking up early to walk with Haruka gives him just enough time to throw together some leftovers and cut up some fruit).

Makoto finds himself automatically scanning the cafeteria for Haruka, but he is nowhere to be found in his usual place. Part of him immediately wants to freak out and panic as to why Haruka isn't in his usual seat, but he is forced to forget about it when Nagisa speaks.

"So," He draws out, the same shit-eating grin on his face.

"So?" Makoto echoes, confused.

"Don't give me that look!" Nagisa slams his hands on the table excitedly. "You can't just drop a bombshell like that and not give us any details!"

"Yes, Makoto-senpai," Rei agrees. "As the kids say, spill the tea."

Nagisa immediately frowns, and he shakes his head at his boyfriend. "Rei, no one says that anymore."

"Oh," Rei stares down at his bento box. "My mistake. Anyway, Makoto-senpai, tell us what happened."

"Um, well..." Makoto stammers. "What would you like to know?"

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