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Chapter Eight

Makoto bounces on the toes of his feet as he waits outside the front doors. He isn't quite sure if he's so jittery because he is nervous to hang out with Haruka, or because the temperature is steadily dropping and his jacket isn't doing much to keep him warm.

He pulls his scarf tighter around his neck and watches each face that passes by as they exit the double doors. Most students look relieved to be leaving, chattering amiably to their friends as they zip up their jackets to bear the cold weather.

It is another five minutes until most of the students have filed out of the school. Makoto is just about to leave, figuring Haruka just decided to ditch him again, when he finally walks out the doors.

"Haruka!" Makoto shouts to gain his attention, genuinely surprised to see him. Even though he had been waiting there for him the entire time, seeing Haruka in the flesh is always strange to Makoto, considering he is supposed to be dead. Seeing Haruka is like a cruel reminder of the time he has left, and how Haruka's life is currently in Makoto's hand.

The thought does nothing to ease his rapidly beating heart.

Haruka looks up at the sound of Makoto's voice, pulling one earbud out of his ear calmly. He clenches his jaw when he sees Makoto standing at the bottom of the steps, waving cheerfully to him.

Be annoyed all you want, Haruka, Makoto thinks to himself, But I'm not going to back down.

Haruka keeps walking after passing Makoto, and when he realizes he isn't stopping for him, Makoto scrambles after him, falling into step with the shorter boy. They keep walking, crossing the quiet streets until reaching the train station. Makoto is about to head down the steps when he notices Haruka walking away.

"Hey!" Makoto calls after him. "Where are you going? Metro's this way!"

"Who said we're going home?" Haruka retorts, not even bothering to look back. Makoto heaves a sigh of annoyance and speeds up to catch up to Haruka for the second time. They pass the corner station and continue weaving through the town. By this point, Makoto has no idea where Haruka could be taking him.

In fact, he is silently confused until they've made it downtown. They've stopped in front of a used book store with a built in coffee shop, an old place that Makoto would've overlooked if driving down the road. It is wedged between a merchandise store for the local college and a 50's-style ice cream parlor, constructed with dark wood and large glass panels that allow people to see the inside. Makoto smiles a little when he sees the paper snowflakes taped on the windows, and he smiles even more when he sees a pride flag hanging between the Japanese and - French? - flags on the second-floor window balconies. In Japan, most people were not accepting of homosexuality and other queer sexualities, and if you were, you kept it to yourself. He suddenly has a lot of respect for the bookstore, which, upon looking at the light-up sign, is called Entre les Lignes.

Haruka pushes open the door and a small bell tinkles; he is already flopping into one of the overstuffed chairs in one corner of the room before Makoto is able to enter, sprawling out impolitely like he owns the place.

"Haruka! Get an apron on and watch the counter for a minute, would you? Vite!" A voice shouts, and Makoto is starting to think that maybe he does own the place.

Makoto's eyes travel to the owner of the voice. There is an annoyed-looking teenage girl standing at the counter of the cafe, which is in the corner of the book store. She looks the same age as Haruka and him, but she has a squishy, chipmunk-cheeked face that makes Makoto think she is younger, and warm chocolate brown eyes that are familiar, but Makoto cannot put his finger on where he's seen them before. Her maroon-colored beret and striped shirt makes her look like a young French teenager.

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