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Hi guys! This is chapter 7! Comment, vote and fan! :)


Chapter 7


I walked towards my mom’s car, and opened the door. I sat down, and through my bag in front of my feet. I buckled up my seat belt, and saw my mom was staring at me, and smiling. I glared at her, and asked, “Can I… help you?”

She smiled even bigger and recited, “So, how was your first day of school?” I rolled my eyes, and replied, “I really, don’t want to talk about it.” She pouted and asked, “Did you make any friends? Did anyone bully you?” I laughed out loud at the fact that someone was going to bully me.

I answered, “Mom, I’m not in grade 9. I’m in grade 12, the oldest kids in the school.” She looked at me and replied, “So tell me, did you meet any cute boys?” As soon as she said ‘cute boys,’ I thought of Tyler.

I squinted and replied, “No.” She frowned and told me, “Well maybe you will have a better day tomorrow.” I said, “Yeah, maybe Tyler will just disappear.” My mom looked at me, and smiled. “Who’s Tyler?” Whenever I heard that name I felt like punching something.

“NO ONE, mom.” She kept nagging me, “Tell me!” I groaned and said out loud in a firm voice, “Drive, I’m hungry.” She started the car, and pulled out of the parking lot.

While she was about to turn on our street, she asked, “Did you eat lunch?” When she said that, I thought of Tyler, and I, in the washroom, making kissy faces. Yuck.

“Yeah, they don’t have anything without meat, so I took a muffin, cranberry juice, and something else… I forget now.” She replied, keeping her eyes on the road, “Well of course you’re going to be hungry if all you ate was a stupid muffin.” I mumbled under my breath, “Yeah.”

She pulled up on our driveway, and I got out of the car as fast as I can. I ran through the door and through my bag on the floor. I chucked my shoes in the closet and ran to the fridge. I grabbed some marble cheese, and started to nibble on it. My mom came in and told me, “I came home a bit early today, and I made dinner.”

My eyes widened. I ran to the stove, to see a pot filled with rice. Then, beside it was a pan filled with brown sauce and chicken strips… yum. I grabbed a plate, poured all of the rice on my plate, and through all of the sauce on top of the rice. My mom looked at me, and asked me, like a fatty, “W-well aren’t you going to leave any for me?”

I shook my head and ran to the table. I ate as fast as I could, and then burped, the loudest burp ever. I walked to the sink, and put the dish and fork in. I walked over to the fridge, and opened it. I got some diet Pepsi, and took a couple of sips. I put it back, and walked into my room.

I walked up to my phone, and saw that Tyler texted me. “What the fuck? How did he get me number?” I pressed ‘Ok’ and read the message. It said, “Hey, Carissa, listen, I’m sorry, for everything. Truth is I really think you’re sexy, and all of those things I said in the bathroom were true. Please don’t be mad. See you at school tomorrow.”

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