Car ride

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Hey guys! This is chapter 16! Hope you enjoy! Please comment, vote and fan! :D


Chapter 16

Car Ride

When I finished my drink, Dylan came and collected the bill. When he picked it up, I quickly said, “Keep the change.” He smiled and said, “Thanks.” Tyler quickly yelled, “No, no tip for you. Give me my fucking change.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, and Dylan stuttered, “Uh, okay sir…” When Dylan walked off, I muttered, “That was rude.” Tyler scowled, and then lightened up. He replied, “I’m not going to let some dush-bag drool all over you like that… your mine.” Then he winked.

I blushed, but got serious. I mumbled, “I’m not yours.” Tyler didn’t say anything. He helped me out of my chair, and helped me to the car. “Thanks, Tyler.” I told him.

He smiled and replied, “Anything for you.” I tested him, “Okay, buy me a $10,000 ring.” I smirked. He stuttered, and I rubbed in his face, “Exactly, if you’re not willing to buy me that, then you don’t really love me.”

He didn’t even look at me. I smiled to myself. He’s so cute when he is wronged. He started driving, and the car ride was mostly quiet.

“What type of music you listen to?” I asked. He mumbled, “Don’t listen to music, baby.” I scowled, and told him, “Wow, your life must suck.” He replied, “Yes, I suck blood. That’s what I do.” I mumbled, “That’s not what I m- Oh my God never mind!”

He smirked… faggot. I hate him… no I don’t. He grabbed my hand, and I pulled it away. He pouted and asked, “Aw baby, why you got to be like that?” I scowled and replied, “Shut up.” He was silent. The rest of the car ride was silent.

When he pulled up on my drive-way, he helped me out. We walked up the stairs slowly, and then I tried opening the door. It was locked. I groaned and knocked the door. No answer.

No car was on the drive-way. I rang the door-bell… still no answer. I groaned. I looked over at Tyler. He was smirking. I asked, “What?” He opened his beautiful lips and replied, “I guess you’re going to have to come to my house, until your mom gets home.”

I rolled my eyes. “No, I will just wait for her.” I pulled out my phone, and ran my finger down my contact list. I found ‘mom,’ and pressed her name. I pressed ‘call,’ and waited. After about 10 rings, she picked up.

She answered, “Hello?” I replied, “Mom, it’s me, Car. Where are you?” She responded, “I’m at the mall, I might be a couple of hours, maybe 4. I need to buy new shoes for me and you, and I need to by your cousins Trisha and Jackie presents.”

I rolled my eyes, and asked, “When is there birthday party?” She mumbled, “This weekend.” I asked, “How old are they turning again?”

She replied, “2 years old.” I nodded my head, and she asked me, “Do you have a key?” I muttered, “No.” She stuttered, “O-okay… well where can you stay?” I glanced at Tyler; he could hear the whole thing.

He was smirking, and I answered, “Yeah, there’s a friend here, that I can go to.” I heard her let out a breath of air that she was holding in. She mumbled, “Okay, I’ll call you when I’m home.” I nodded my head and muttered, “Okay, bye.” I hung up.

Tyler looked straight into my eyes, and bit his lip. He mumbled, “Get in my car.” I smiled and shook my head, also roll my eyes all at the same time. I walked down slowly, and hopped in.

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