Liar, liar

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Hey guys! This is chapter 12! Comment, vote and fan!


Chapter 12

Liar, Liar

He said out loud, “I’m done.” I turned around, and saw him looking at me. I limped up to him and heard my mom come through the front door. She yelled, “Sweet heart, I’m home!” I didn’t say anything. I looked at him, my palms sweaty. “You have to get out of here!” I whispered/yelled.

He looked around and replied, “I could jump out of the window.” I glared at the window, and asked, “Do you think you will be okay?” He smirked and answered, “Yes, I’m a vampire. Of course I’ll be fine.” I smiled and loved the way his minty breath got blown on my face. He walked up to my window, and jumped out. I looked out of the window, and waved good-bye.

He did the same, and winked. He ran away in a dash. I yelled, “Yeah, hi sorry mom!” I came down the stairs. She smiled and asked, “How are you… especially your leg?” I sighed and answered, “Its fine. I’ll be okay for now on.” I hugged her and she asked, “You changed?” I nodded. I walked to the fridge, and grabbed a bottle of beer.

I popped the top off, and took a big sip. After swallowing, I asked, “What are we having for dinner?” My mom glared at me, and said in a firm voice, “Put that bottle down. You’re only seventeen for crying out loud!” I smirked and replied, “What if I don’t?” She mumbled, “You’ll get grounded for a week.” I laughed and took another big sip.

I put it down and asked, “Happy?” She nodded. When she turned away, I told her, “I’ll be up in my room.” She nodded and mumbled, “’Kay.” I secretly grabbed the bottle, and limped as fast as I can to my room. I closed the door, and took a big sip. I shivered, at the bitter taste. But I felt good after having a beer. I would drink once in a while.

I went on Skype, and saw Melissa, my old best friend… she was online. I clicked on her, and typed, “Hey! What’s up?” After a minute she answered, “Hey, nothing, just doing some homework…. how about you?” I pouted, and typed in, “Oh… that sucks balls! I’m just drinking a bottle of beer and chilling in my room.” She replied, “Ah, I see.” I put in a smiley face, and asked her, “Did you know I broke my leg into 2?”

She made a surprised face, and asked, “Really, how did you break it?!” I smiled and typed back, “I fell off a ladder, while picking apples and fell on a sharp rock. There’s a big gash in my leg to. But it’s all good now… and I met this really sexy boy! His name is Tyler Hunter.” She made another surprised face, and replied, “Tyler… Hunter? CARISSA! THAT MY FUCKING EX!”

My mouth dropped. I typed, my hands shaking, “You-your ex?” She replied, “Yeah! When I went to Phoenix last year, for vacation, I met him and we dated the whole time I was on my trip. Then I broke up with him, since I had to leave.” I groaned and replied, “Did you know he is a…?” She asked, “A what?” My palms and wrists got sweaty and I replied, “Nothing.” She didn’t say anything.

I remembered about an hour ago, when I asked him if he ever dated someone. He told me no. What a fucking liar! I asked, just to make sure, “So you sure Tyler Hunter? He had brown eyes, almost a caramel color, and brown hair?”

She answered, “Yes, that’s him.” I groaned and I said, “Well, I just made out with him an hour ago! And I asked him if he ever dated someone else, and he said no, I was his first. What a fucking liar!” She put a straight face, and answered, “What a fuck-tart.” I chuckled, and replied, “Really Mel, ‘fuck-tart?’ Wow.” She wrote, “LOL.” I chuckled again, but he was a fuck-tart! Whatever that means…

I sighed and replied, “Well, I got to go. I’ll text you later… okay?” She responded, “Sure. See you later.” I wrote, “Bye,” and logged off. I took another sip of my beer, half of it was gone. I felt something wet on my underwear. I limped to the washroom, and closed the door. I stood in front of the toilet, and pulled down my pants and underwear.

I looked at my underwear… full of blood. Shit, I’m on my period. I took my underwear off, and pulled up my pants. I went back into my room and through them in my hamper (where I put my laundry, and every week take it and wash it). I grabbed new underwear, and walked back into the washroom. I pulled took off my pants, and put on my underwear. I put on a pad, and pulled my pants back up.

I limped over to the sink, and washed my hands with anti-bacterial soap. I don’t like changing myself, then touching things with bacteria on my hands… so I wash them every time I change myself. I limped back into my room, and took a small sip of the alcohol. I got a text… it was from Tyler.

I pressed, “Ok,” and started to read the text. It said, “Hey… what’s up? Did your mom see?” I rolled my eyes, and started to type, “Oh shut up… liar.” I pressed send, and what popped up was, “Your message has been sent.” I pressed the home button, and put my IPhone on my desk. After a few minutes, I heard a beep come from my phone. I picked it up, and pressed “Ok.” It was another text from Tyler.

It said, “What the fuck are you talking about?” I groaned and typed, “You know what. You told me you never dated anyone. Do you remember Melissa Groan? Well, she’s my best friend, and I was talking to her on Skype. She told me that you dated her last year when she came to visit Phoenix.”

I pressed send, and started to play ‘Super World Adventure.’ After a couple of seconds he texted back saying, “Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot to about her… and why do you care so much? I thought we weren’t dating…” He taunted. I stared at the message, and replied, “Bullshit, and I just don’t like it when people lie to me. It gets on my nerves.”

I pressed send, and he replied, “Sure… you’re jealous.” I rolled my eyes and groaned at the same time. I typed, “Nope, never had and never will be… not over you, of course.” After 10 minutes and I got a text from him saying, “Are you PMSING?” I chuckled, and answered, “Actually… I am.” He wrote, “LOL.” I typed back, “Don’t think you’re off the hook. Why did you lie to me?”

Tyler’s P.O.V:

She texted me back saying, “Don’t think you’re off the hook. Why did you lie to me?” I laughed, but didn’t know what to say. She was so cute when she was furious. I typed, “I did not lie babe. I forgot about Melissa.”

She texted back saying, “Don’t call me ‘babe.’ I’m not your fucking girlfriend.” I smirked and typed, “I wish you were.” After a little she responded, “That wish will never come true.” I giggled and replied, trying to cheer her up, “You were so good in bed.” She typed back right away, “I didn’t fuck you… we were making out. There is a difference.” I typed, “Sure.” She didn’t say anything else.


So... Tyler lied about having a girlfriend! :O

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xoxo redhearts111 

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