Babysitting Kids is Not Exactly Something I'm an Expert At

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I was super skeptical about living here with Pete, for the time being. I just wasn't sure how about having a kid around. I don't know how to deal with kids and I'm afraid they'll get hurt or something then I'll be held responsible. I don't hate kids I just don't know how to look after them. Unforuntely I had to face my fears and watch Bronx while Andy and Pete went to work. Pete told me specifically everything I needed to know and what he likes. So there we were Bronx and I sitting on the couch watching the Avengers together. He seemed to really like super heroes but I guess all little boys do. This made my job super easy all I have to do is make Mac n' Cheese when he's hungry and let him watch whatever super hero related movie or tv show there was. He didn't talk much at least not to me, probably because I was still a stranger to him. 

"Are you daddy's girlfriend?" Bronx turned to ask me.

With perfect timing too, because I nearly choked on the iced tea I was drinking when he asked me. 

"No, your daddy and I are just friends," I replied.

"Oh are you Andy's girlfriend?" He asked again.

"No kiddo I'm not anyone's girlfriend," I said 

"Oh," he said then went back to watching the movie.

I wonder where he got a question like that? Maybe Pete told him somethings about me? Nah I doubt it he probably just assumed because I'm a girl hanging around  a bunch of dudes. I guess that's what anyone would assume if they didn't know the whole story. As I thought more about it I realized how these guys are really the only people I have in my life now. I wish things were better though, I love the life I have now don't get me wrong. But, Joe is still upset with me and I just want things to be better anytime I think about him and what happened I feel like I'm going to cry. I never do though its just a feeling. I have to stop thinking about it, there's nothing more I can do, I just have to give it sometime and if he forgives me he forgives me and if not then oh well I can't change it. All of the sudden I felt my phone vibrate, I reached into my pocket and checked to see who it was. I rarely get text messages or phone calls so this must be important. I check my messages and nearly fell of the couch when I saw who it was from. It was Joe and the message said, "We need to talk." I was really hoping this wouldn't happen but in a way I secretly did. I'm so scared to find out what it is he wants to talk about I have a feeling that its not good. My phone went off again, it was another message from him, "Now." Shit what do I say? I just have to be honest so I replied, "Can't I'm babysitting Bronx." I clicked send, I was full of anxiety while I waited for him to reply. "I'll be there in 10 mins." He replied. Oh shit! He's coming here? I can't let that happen God I hope Pete and Andy get here soon. I sat and waited for someone to walk through that door, I hoped it was Pete and Andy so I could be released from my babysitting duties within a few minutes my prayers where answered and Pete walked in. 

"I'm home!" He yelled.

Bronx ran over and hugged him, "daddy." 

"Where you good for Emma?" Pete asked.

Bronx nodded, "we had fun." 

"Oh really what did you do?" Pete asked.

"We watched super heroes and she made me Mac and Cheese," Bronx explained. 

"That's good I'm glad you had fun," Pete smiled. 

Bronx ran off and went to his room to play then Pete and Andy sat down in the living room.

"Thanks for watching him," Pete said.

"No problem," I replied. 

I was still feeling uneasy about Joe saying we needed to talk and apparently it was written all over my face.

"You okay?" Andy asked.

"Huh? Yeah I'm totally fine." I said even though I wasn't. 

"No your not what's up?" Pete asked.

"Well um," I didn't know how to explain it so I just held up the phone revailling the texts Joe sent.

"Oh sh-," Andy was cut off by the sound of the doorbell.

I sighed heavily swallowing every once of anxiety in my body and answered the door. Joe stood there nonchalant and looked at me for a moment then pulled me outside. I refused to make eye contact with him I had to appear to be mad and stay strong. Things were silent for a little bit, I glanced up only once at him as he was collecting his thoughts. 

"Emma I came by because I wanted to talk about what happened," he explained.

"Okay then let's talk. When you left that stage pissed at me do you know how much it killed me? I spent a month feeling so broken because you had to act like a dick. But you know what I'm over it, so wheater you forgive me or not I really could give a shit less," I said standing my ground.

I honestly never meant to say those things but it just came out like another person took over. 

"I know, that's why I came over. I'm so stupid to have been mad at you. But I know you still care I'm not stupid I can see it in your eyes your not cold-hearted towards me, Look I just wanted to apologize, and I know you still share feelings for both Patrick and me. I know you have a decision to make and whatever you decide I'll be okay with," Joe smiled.

I smiled back and we hugged. 

"I'm glad were okay now," I said.

"Me too. Well that's all I came here for so I'm gonna go. I'll see you later Em," Joe waved and drove off.

I waved goodbye and walked into the house with a smile on my face.

"See what did I say," Andy said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up Hurely," I said sarcastically.

I sat on the couch smiling, finally everything was peaceful again Patrick and Joe both weren't mad again and things were looking up. Joe even said he was okay with whatever decision I make. Fuck! I have to make a decision still and I don't have a damn clue on what to do. Great, just when I thought things were looking up here we go again.

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