New Years Eve Party is Raging to Bad I'm Not Apart of it

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The guys were playing on tv for new years and I had a exclusive spot back stage to watch everyone preform. All the artists were really good and it was nice to see the guys preform again. People backstage gave me weird looks like I didn't belong but I just ignored them and went about my own business. When it was one minute till the new year we all counted down together 

"5,4,3,2,1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone scream.

I hugged Pete and Andy individually giving them each a kiss on the cheek. Once I got to Patrick we looked at each other awkwardly.

"Um happy new year," he stood up on his toes and kissed my forehead. 

My face turned red a little and I hugged him. When I got to Joe he was a little bit more bold and possibly drunk. He pulled me close dipping me down a kissed me I wasn't sure what to do I don't want to pull away but Patrick was standing right there I don't want him to feel heart broken. Before I knew it the kiss ended, and I was standing back up straight surprised at what just happened. The guys stood there looking just a surprised as I was. 

"Happy new year!" Joe exclaimed. 

The guys went on and played more, we were out till 2 in the morning and quiet honestly I wasn't tired. The party was going on all night and me being the not so party girl I am I just hung out away from the scene. Even Andy was mingling a bit, I didn't know anyone here I really didn't want to either. I don't mind hanging back this gives me a chance to think more about the situation I'm in. Patrick must have saw me being all alone and he came over and sat by me.

"Some party huh?" He said.

I shrugged saying absolutely nothing. 

"I know you don't like parties. Sorry you kinda got dragged along," Patrick smiled.

"Its okay I don't mind," I smiled.

"You look kinda down though, what's up?" He asked concerned.

"Nothing I'm just thinking about stuff," I replied.

"Oh stuff, okay," Patrick said with a slight frown. 

"Hey don't be sad, come on its new years have fun," I smiled cheerfully.

"I can't have fun," Patrick said  with a smile.

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because your not," Patrick said.

"Oh," I said looking down my face slightly red.

Patrick really is a sweet guy he's always so considerate. I guess it one of the things I like best about him. I don't really know what to say, I would like to join in with him, but I don't really like parties. 

"Hey if you don't want to that's okay," he said, "will have our own party over here." 

"You don't have to because of me. You can join the crowd I'll be fine," I smiled.

"Nah I'm not much of a party guy so its cool," Patrick said.

I looked up at his dark blue-green eyes and smiled. Somehow he always knew what to say probably because he writes music it helps to talk to people. Patrick smiled back and we just stared at each other of a while, things were getting kinda awkward. I wasn't sure if he was going to kiss me or not, I felt like he was because we stared of a good amount of time but I don't know. 

Patrick looked away because things were getting awkward, "um so do-do you want to maybe get out of here? I know you don't really want to be here so I was thinking we could go somewhere quieter." 

I shrugged, "I'm fine with staying here besides the guys are still here we shouldn't leave them behind and its like 12:30 I don't think any places are open." 

"Oh yeah duh what was I thinking?" he scoffed.

I was a little bit confused because Patrick looked more foolish and disappointed. Maybe it was my stupid response that caught him off guard?

"Hey its okay you don't have to do anything special," I moved closer and smiled to make him feel better.

"Thanks Em," Patrick smiled and casually placed his hand on my leg.

I don't think he realized at first but I sure did.

"Oh sorry," he removed his hand and looked away his face completely red with embarrassment.

I giggled, "it's okay I don't mind." 

Patrick looked at me with a bit of shock and moved even closer. He put his hand back on my leg and smiled. I smiled back and we both slowly leaned closer into each other.

"Hey you two," Pete said drunkenly interupting us, "don't be doing things like that now. She's a lady you gotta respect her." 

Patrick and I quickly moved a great distance apart both of our faces were red. 

Pete laughed, "I'm just kidding you kids have fun. But not too much fun!" 

Once Pete stumbled away Patrick and I moved closer. Though he didn't kiss me I think he was still embarrassed from Pete's interuption. I looked at him and gave a quick kiss, Patrick smiled and kissed back. I blushed a little and grabbed his hand, untill 2 a.m. we sat there just holding hands and talking about music everyonce in a while. 

When we got home Pete was really drunk and didn't even make it upstairs. He ended up passing out on the couch. Andy and I laughed both glad why that we don't drink so we can enjoy moments like these. 

"Hey, I have a brilliant idea," I said, "lets draw on him."

"Damn someone's embrassing her inner dark side," Andy smirked, "I don't know though."

"Oh come on there should be some consequence and I know you want to I can see it in your eyes," I explained.

"Fine hand me a pen," Andy sighed in defeat.

I drew a funny mustache and gave him a beautiful unibrow, Andy mostly drew dicks but it was still pretty funny. When we were done we stepped back and admired our hilarious masterpiece the was on Pete's face.

"Okay I'll admit that was fun but I'm exahusted," Andy yawned.

"Yeah me too. Night Andy," I said and headed upstairs.

"Night," he replied.

When I got into bed I thought about everything that happened just this night. Even though I don't like parties I still had a lot of fun. Everything that has happened is a dream come true for me I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have such amazing people in my life. I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking all these happy thoughts, with a huge smile on my face. 

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