Damn It! They Ate All The Cereal!!!

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The next morning, well afternoon, I woke up and things felt kind strange. The house was quiet not like everyone was still asleep, well Pete maybe, but like no one was home. Oddly enough I was right, I got up from my bed and shuffled across my room and out the door. I yelled throughout the house opening random doors to find any sigh of life. 

"What the hell?!?" I said to myself. 

Finally I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, there was a note for me stuck on the fridge. 

I read it out load, "Emma, went out be back later, Love Pete and Andy. Those bastards, they're not even specific! What the hell am I gonna do? When are they going to be back? Why did they leave me?" 

I started asking myself all these questions and talking like a crazy person as I searched for my breakfast. 

"And they ate all the cereal?!?! I'm going to kill them," I growled, "well looks like I'm just having tea for breakfast."

I made myself a cup of tea, I'm not much of a coffee person. I made my way over to the living room so I could relax and watch tv until the guys come home.

"You really like to talk to yourself don't you?" Joe said with a smirk.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" I screamed spilling my tea everywhere, "Joe what the hell are you doing here? You made me spill my tea."

I went to the kitchen to grab a dish cloth and clean my mess. Joe followed behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist. 

"We have an entire house to ourselves and all you want to do is clean? Come on Em, let's do something more fun," he whispered in my ear.

"Joe, please," I struggled to break free from his grip, "what are you doing here anyways?" 

"Just looking after my girl," he smiled.

My girl really? What has gotten into him? Maybe its because I haven't made a decision and he's trying to win me over? Either that or I'm still sleeping and this is some erotic dream? I'm going to go with my first thought it sounds more practical. 

I turned around to face him, "look  Joe I apreciate the thought but I'm just a little bit uncomfortable." 

"I'm sorry let me help make things better," he pressed himself closer I was practically in the sink. 

I did like it though, I mean I'm not repulsed by him but it's just things are getting a little too weird for my taste. I had to cut his little fantasy short for my sake.

"Joe stop!" I exclaimed being completely serious. 

 "I'm sorry, Emma," Joe frowned and backed away.

I sighed bitterly, "its fine.'" 

I shoved my way passed him to clean up my spilled tea. 

"Here let me help," he crouched down beside me.

"It's fine I already got it," I said ignoring him and putting the rag away.

"Emma please I'm sorry. I just I can't take it! I want you, I want to be with you. But you just shut me out and I don't know why. Although its okay when Patrick does stuff with you? What am I not good enough?" Joe said.

He looked so angery and depressed. I didn't realize how much I was hurting him, I do love Joe but I love Patrick too. I shouldn't shut him out though its not fair. However he needs to control his urges, I don't feel comfortable with him acting like that. 

"I'm sorry. You are good enough, your more that good enough. I'm not good enough, I just you really hurt me last time and I don't want to feel like that again. I know whatever I decide things are not going to turn out in the end  and I don't want anyone to be angery because of me. I just, I don't know what to do,"  tears fell from my eyes.

"Em," Joe ran over and hugged me, "it's okay everything will be fine." 

I burried my face into his chest, I almost forgot how his embrase felt. How warm and comforting he was. And, how he always made me feel safe. It was a feeling that I had missed and nearly forgot.

Once I felt my tears were completely gone I lifted my head up and looked into his eyes. He stared back at mine but only for a second, he leaned in and we kissed. The feeling of his lips against mine were heavenly, and the feeling of his tongue was even better. Maybe Joe is the one? I thought about it, contemplating who I want to be with. We could've gone on kissing forever, that is until Andy inturputed us. 

"Ahem," he fake coughed.

Joe and I jumped and pulled away. 

"Jeez you guys are animals! Control yourself,"  Andy laughed.

"Andy your such an ass. Anyways where the hell did you guys go? And you ate all the fucking cereal!!"

"To the store. And you don't need cereal now you've already eaten," he smirked.

Andy continued to put the things away with that smirk on his face. Err I want to punch that smirk right off his face! I began to walk to the living room but not before getting the last word in.

I whispered to Andy, "sleep with one eye open tonight." 

Then I walked into the living room and watched tv. Joe followed behind and sat next to me, looking a little afraid. 

"So what's on?" I said casusally with a smile. 

Folie a Trois (Sequel To The Falling Out Girl)Where stories live. Discover now