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I walked out of the hotel and took in a deep breath. I'm out here on my own and I love it. The city is beautiful, filled with many people walking about, minding their own business. I grabbed a quick bite to eat and just walked. I didn't really know where I was going, I wandered around admiring everything in the city. I decided to head back, but I don't know which direction the hotel was. Shit. I looked at the surrounding are, there weren't any people and the only noises I hear was the sound of alley cats fighting. Maybe I'll find my way if I keep walking? I continued to walk again, which is the worst idea because I only got myself even more lost. I took a deep breath, now is not the time to panic. I looked down at my feet then back up when I noticed a group of hooligans staring at me. I stared back frozen for a moment then turned around and walked in the other direction. I heard footsteps follow behind me and I began to walk faster, the footsteps soon started to follow my pace until I was almost sprinting. One of the hooligans grabbed hold of me and pinned me against a wall. I swallowed every once of fear I had and tried to be strong.

"Let me go," I demanded.

"You American girl?" The hooligan smirked and spoke with a heavy Belgium accent.

"Let me go," I repeated.

"We will when were done," he smirked again and the other hooligans crowed around me.

My fear creeper up on my and I did what anyone would do in the situation kick and scream. One of the hooligans covered my mouth and I bit them.

"Ow you bitch!" He exclaimed and slapped me across the face.

"Hold still!" Another demanded as he tried to take off my pants.

I felt tears stream down my face as I called out for help, "Joe!"

I screamed his name repeatedly as I was hoping and praying he'd come for me.

"Emma?" I heard someone call out my name.

"Help please!" I screamed inbetween sobs.

The hooligans ran off and left me on the ground with my pants down. I curled into a ball and sobbed uncontrollablely.

"Em," I felt someone crouch down beside me.

I slowly lifted my head and saw my saviour...

Who was it that saved Emma? You decide. Its been a while since I did a reader decision chapter so I figured why not now? Sorry this chapter got a little dark, anyways if you don't remember what to do I'll review again. Leave a comment as to who it is saved Emma. Andy, Pete, Patrick, or Joe. Which ever name is commented the most will be put in the next chapter. So get commenting!

Folie a Trois (Sequel To The Falling Out Girl)Where stories live. Discover now