I need a girls perspective

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We sat around in the front lounge of the bus chit chatting. It's the second day of Monumentour and I'm super excited. We're in New York for a couple days and Joe said he was going to show me his house.

"You'll love it here Em. There's so many cool places to hangout and you can stay at my house," Joe said enthusiastically.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Patrick added.

"Why not? Nothing will happen she's safe with me," He explained.

Andy and I watched as they argued back and fourth about my safety and my decision on what I should do while we're here in New York. As they argued back and fourth Pete stepped out of the bathroom. Simultaneously Andy and I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Dude!" Andy exclaimed causing Patrick and Joe to stop arguing and see what the problem was.

"Holy smokes." Patrick said.

"You're-" Joe began to say.

"Hair!" I added from Joe's statement.

"What? What's wrong with it?" He questioned.

Pete's dark hair was dead, gone. His hair is no longer black it's blonde. We all stared in silence, looking at the stranger in front of us.

"You're a lemon!" Patrick exclaimed breaking the awkward silence.

We all bursted out into laughter. I, for some reason, laughed harder than the others, and snorted like a pig. I covered my mouth feeling embarrassed while the the guys laughed at me.

"Stop it." I pouted covering my face.

"We're just kidding Em." Patrick smiled.

"So where do you wanna go first?" Joe asked casually throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh um I don't really know. You're the New York guy where's a good place to start?" I asked

"My house." He winked playfully.

"Um.." Was all I could say.

Patrick rolled his eyes in disgust. He always gets frustrated when Joe acts pervy.  I tried to let Joe's flirting face me although my face said other wise because I could tell it was turning red.

We arrived at the venue moments later and all exited the bus. I stood and watched with my hands in the pockets of my hoodie as the band and crew began to set things up.

"Hey Emma!" I heard Pete call out.

I turned around to find him jogging up to me.

"Hey what's up Pete?" I asked.

"I wanted you to meet the Hayley. Since they're touring with us I figured you could be friends and stuff." He explained.

"Okay." I grinned.

Pete stepped aside to reveal the petite red head woman she looked at me and smiled extending her hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you Emma, I'm Hayley." She said.

"It's nice to meet you too." I smiled politely and shook her hand.

"Now you can paint your nails and talk about girl stuff or whatever you do." Pete grinned.

"Thanks Pete." I said in a snarky tone.

Pete waved bye knowing he knowing he will just make things progressively worse and left Hayley and me time to become friends.

"Hey my band is all done setting up do you wanna hang out?" She asked.

"Joe said he was going to show me around New York after though." I said.

"Screw him. Let the boys do their own thing. Come on." Hayley grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me away, for a small girl she's pretty strong.

I quickly agreed given I didn't have a choice in the matter. She flagged down a cab that took us into the city.

We walked around Manhattan, talking and going to shops. Lots of people stopped to take pictures with Hayley which I didn't mind at this point living with the guys for about a year. I told Hayley my story and how I ended up in this whole situation of living with Fall Out Boy. She gave me a sympathetic hug because of my dark past and told me how glad she is that I've found a better family.

"So what's with you and Joe?" She asked with a smirk.

"N-nothing. Well I don't mean nothing I mean it's nothing serious." I said feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Don't lie. There's a thing going on and I want to know." Hayley demanded.

"Its complicated ya see it all happened when I first started living here Joe and I became good friends then I started developing feelings for him and he did the same but at the same time Patrick developed feelings for me also and I never realized. Well one night Patrick and I got into an argument and that's when.. I kissed him. I didn't mean to, it just happened but then my feelings for Patrick started to grow as well. Well, I was very torn, and still am, I kept it hidden from the both of them thinking I could solve this problem on my own, but, I never did and they both found out. Then they ignored me for six months but then we all made up. So now here I am still stuck in the same situation from the beginning." I explained.

"Jesus. You're in deep girl." Hayley said.

"I know I just don't know what to do anymore, Hayley. I don't want to hurt either of them." I buried my face in my palms.

"Honey trust me those guys are the sweetest bunch. Though they'll get on your nerves from time to time, whatever you decide they will understand." She said as she rubbed my back.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome Emma. Come on we better get back before one of the boys has an aneurysm because you're gone. They really care about you ya know." Hayley said.

"Yeah I know." I smiled to myself.

I hope you guys like this chapter I'm sorry for being gone for so long life has been busy plus I've had major writers block but I'm back and hoping to write more for you guys and update more. Unfortunately this story will probably be coming to an end soon. Its kinda sad but happy at the same time. I started writing this (including falling out girl) little over a year ago and look where it is now. Really I couldn't have done it with out all your support so thank you so much. I hope you guys liked this chapter and as always tell me what you thought of it in the comments. Do you like Hayley and Emma being friends? I'll see you guys next chapter. Love you all <3

Folie a Trois (Sequel To The Falling Out Girl)Where stories live. Discover now