Back to reality

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(Hey guys I know its been forever since I updated, *cowers behind Louis* I'm sorry don't hurt me. Anyways here it is hope you enjoy)

I woke up by a violent shaking, I thought the plane was crashing.

"Hey Em," I heard Joe say.

"Huh? Are we crashing?!?" I woke up immediately.

"No. We landed," he said.

"Oh," I said awkwardly.

We got off the plane and headed to another hotel. This time we were in Belgium. As we were on the bus I pleaded that I wanted to change the room arrangements. I think after all the time I spent with Pat and Joe in France that I need some space and time to think. I talked to Pete and asked if I could share a room with Andy. He said it was okay and I explained it to the others. Everyone was okay with the decision, thankfully. I was quiet for the rest of the ride to the hotel I just stared out the window, like always. I didn't want to be bothered by anyone so I put my headphones in and turned up my music to drown out everyone else. I don't know why but I wasn't in a good mood, nothing really happened to set it off, its just one of those feelings. It was a mix feeling of 'on the verge of tears' and 'if you say something I'll explode.' When we got to the hotel I shoved my way past everyone got the room key and went to my room.

"Holy smokes what up with her?" Patrick asked.

"I don't know dude," Joe shrugged, "I'm concerned though Em is usually in a good mood. I've never seen her act like this."

"Maybe it's nothing to worry about, could just be female problems," Pete said.

"Maybe," Patrick agreed.

Andy sighed, "Well you guys aren't sharing a room with her. I hope she doesn't kill me while I'm sleeping or something."

"I think you'll be okay bro," Pete said.

"Yeah I hope," Andy frowned slightly.

The guys departed ways, I didn't want to be bothered by anyone so when I got to my room I went right to sleep. The room was just like every other hotel room I've stayed in, two separate bedrooms, a living room, bath and nice veiw.

"Hey Em you okay?" Andy asked.

"I'll be fine," I muttered through my pillow.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yes Andy!!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, okay I'll leave you alone," he said.

Andy disappeared and I layed there thinking about Patrick, Joe and just everything. I don't know what's wrong with me or why I feel this way. Usually I'm in a fairly decent mood, but all of the sudden I feel like this, maybe I'm just putting to much stress on myself. I just need a break from it all, I'm gonna sleep on it.

I woke up hours later and walked out into the main are of the hotel room.

"Andy?" I shouted throughout the room.

No one was around and my head was killing me, I think I'm coming down with something. I searched around the hotel room, eventually I came across a note on the coffee table, Emma, went to rehearsal be back later Andy. Since the guys were gone I really didn't have much else to do, I was kinda glad though, I love them all but its been a while since I had some alone time. I took a shower and changed for the day, I decided that I would go out and explore the city.

I left Andy a note in case he gets back before I do, I grabbed my purse, room key and headed out the door.

Sorry this is a little short I'll update more often I promise, I've been super busy and I've been pushing this aside for a while. So yeah I hope you liked it and I'll update asap pinky promise! Love you all <3

Folie a Trois (Sequel To The Falling Out Girl)Where stories live. Discover now