Who are you?

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When we got to Barcelona I watched the show from backstage as usual. The show was good, like always, the crowd really cheered. After they were done playing I stood up and waited for Patrick, he said last night that he wanted to hangout when I returned from my date. I wore my favorite red skinny jeans, a Zeppelin t-shirt, the fadora Patrick gave me for my birthday, and my black combat boots. After last night I assumed now anytime I hagnout with Patrick or Joe that in their minds it was considered a date. So I made myself look more presentable, its not like it mattered though they've seen how I look in the mornings, but I should still look nice right? 

"Hey you ready to go?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Okay great," he smiled.

We left the concert and explored the city, first we grabbed a bite to eat then just walked around. We didn't spend a particularly long time together because we had another country to go to and we were leaving that night. I still had a wonderful time with him though, we walked the city, holding hands laughing and talking. We headed back to the bus after an hour because we had a plane to catch. 

When we got to the airport we waited until our flight was scheduled to leave. At the same time a group of girls recognized the band and came running over like a typical fangirl. The girls looked like they were around 25. They explained to the band that they were from America and they just love Fall Out Boy. I stood behind the guys quietly, I'm not famous, thankfully so I didn't mean anything to anyone I just minded my own business. However one of the girls noticed me standing there and gave me a jealous and disgusted look.

"Who are you?" She asked. 

"Me? I'm no one important," I replied.

"Yeah I know that. I mean what are you doing hanging around with Fall Out Boy? You don't look like you anything special so why are you here?" She asked with an attitude. 

I didn't say anything I just turned my head away.

"Um I asked you a question," She said.

I looked at the guys each of them looked pretty pissed at that girl for being so rude. I refused to say anything, I'm not who to stand up for myself to be honest. I thought one of the guys were going to say something rude back with the way they looked at her but they didn't. 

"Oh look that's our flight," Pete said.

We all grabbed our stuff and walked away from the group of girls. Our flight wasn't really called but we had to get away. I started thinking about what that girl said, I know she only said it because she was a jealous psycho bitch but still, it got me wondering; who am I? 

"Hey Em don't look so down that girl was just a jealous psycho bitch anyways," Pete said. 

"Yeah you know who you are," Andy said, "and you are special to us." 

"Honestly I don't think any of us could really describe how much you mean to us Emma. If it wasn't for that happy accident, your insanity and us. Our lives would feel empty without you," Joe said. 

Patrick nodded, "what Joe said." 

I managed a smile, "thanks guys. You mean a lot to me too." 

This time our flight was actually called and we boarded the plane. The seating arrangement was a little different this time instead of sitting between Joe and Patrick I sat by Pete. Andy said he wanted to sit by them so I had no choice. I don't mind Pete, we don't really talk but he's always nice to me and stuff. Plus I watched Bronx a few times so that must mean he trusts me right? Anyways we really didn't have a full conversation just made some small talk but mostly we listened to music. I sat by the window and watched outside at all the clouds we were passing by. I couldn't help but this Andy was telling Joe and Patrick embarrassing things about me though. I did live with him after the U.S. tour for a while. No way he wouldn't do that would he? I thought about it for a little bit but I could really focus on an answer the only thing that was on my mind is what that girl said. Who am I really? I'm just a girl who had a stupid thought to hide in a cabinet and live with a band. Why would they ever keep me around? I'm not important, I'm not special so who am I? 

(This is a chapter break! Sorry this chapter is a little short but I go back to school tomorrow so I won't have much free time to write which means updates won't be as frequent. Bare with me though I will update when I can thank you so much for reading and I'll see ya next time for part 2. In the mean time read the first story The Falling Out Girl if you haven't already. I'll update asap love you all see ya later <3) 

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