Chapter 17

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"What the actual fuck were you thinking?" Killian yelled as he walked into the lab. Victor and Regina looked at him as he walked in. "I told you what Jekyll said to me a few weeks ago. Regina, you have to know more than anyone about Emma's safety! It is my job to keep her safe now. So, what do you do? You go and you hack into Jekyll's computer!"

"Emma can take care of herself, Jones. She always has been able to do that. She won't need you to protect her all the time," Regina said, turning back to the computer screen. "Jekyll lives in a small house right outside of town. It looks like there has been many remodeling jobs done. Possibly for an underground lab?"

"Maybe." Killian went over to the computer and scrolled through the information. "I can go there and I can capture him. If I can do that, then I can tell Emma everything. Why I have been leaving her unexpectedly."

"Not sure you'll be able to do that, Mind," a voice said through a speaker. Killian, Victor, and Regina looked up at the tv screen to see Jekyll. "I gave you a choice. A warning, that if you tried to find me ever again, I would take her. Did you not take me seriously?" He raised a gun up in front of the camera. He stepped aside to show Emma tied up in a chair. A gag in her mouth. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She was so scared. Killian didn't know what to do. "I'll give you thirty minutes to find me and save her. Where she sits, it is triggered with a bomb. It's tick- highly irritating. But, not to me or her, but for you. Ear splitting pain. Almost like a dog whistle. You may be able to handle the pain, but when you try to get her up, the bomb will go off. There is no chance you will be able to handle the ticking and the explosion. Of course, you can always surrender her to me and I will end her miserable, pathetic life now." Jekyll moved behind Emma and held the gun to her head. She closed her eyes as her breathing picked up. "Your time starts... Now." Then, the video cut out.

"Regina, Victor, find her. Find her now!" He yelled at them, going over to his suit and changing out of his normal clothes and into it. He put his mask on his head and his earpiece in his ear and ran over to the computers.

Victor's computer beeped and he leaned in. "Warehouse Five Sixteen on Pine Creek Road."

Killian ran out of the room and ran as fast as he could to the warehouse. He had around fifteen minutes left, so he could afford to stay in the shadows and watch for a few moments to observe the situation. He jumped up on a beam right above Jekyll and Emma.

"Has he told you?" Jekyll asked her, even though she was gagged and couldn't speak. "Of course he hasn't. He wanted to protect you from me, but it didn't work, now did it? If he just would have kept his damn nose out of my business, he wouldn't have had to worry about me." He looked down at Emma. "Let's get that gag off of you. You are going to die anyway. As soon as that timer hits thirty minutes, the whistle will go off and The Mind won't be able to save you. It will be the worst pain he has ever felt." He untied the gag and pulled it off Emma's mouth. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

She spit in his face. "Go to hell, you son of a bitch."

"You have fire," Jekyll said as he wiped the saliva off his face with a handkerchief. "I can see why he likes you. You are a fighter, just like him."

"Like who?" Emma screamed.

"The Mind, of course. He likes you. A lot."

"He barely knows me. He's only saved me once."

Jekyll chuckled. "You have no idea, do you? You are closer to him then you think."

"You are full of shit, you know that, right? The Mind saves people because that is his job in this city."

"One day, you will know the truth. I just hope that day comes soon."

"Howard Jekyll," Killian said as he jumped down from the beam and landed right in behind the man. He made sure that his voice changer worked. "You have ruined people's lives for the last time."

Jekyll looked down at his watch and smiled. "If you'll excuse me, I must go." He started to fast walk out of the building, but Killian used his telekinetic powers to keep the man in place. "You have about five seconds before that timer goes off and gives you shrieking pain. You better choose wisely." But, the grip that was on Jekyll didn't let up. A few seconds later, Killian fell to the ground and covered his ears and screamed in pain. Jekyll slipped out of the warehouse while The Mind was safely distracted.

Emma felt tears ready to fall. She had no idea how she was going to get out of there. Pretty soon, something would happen to The Mind and he would probably die. "Back up!" She screamed at him. He looked at her and she nudged her head. "As far as you can! Get out of here!" He shook his head but she nodded. The entire time Jekyll had her tied up, she was filing away at the ropes with the pocket knife she kept. The ropes fell from around her and she leaned down to untie her feet, but made sure to keep her weight even. She noticed that The Mind wasn't in his previous place. He was farther in the room, but was still grunting in pain. Emma could hear her heartbeat in her ears as she prepared herself to leap over and off the chair. She scooted towards the edge and put her feet on the floor, took one huge breath, then jumped. She could feel extreme heat on her back as she sprung up from the chair and fell to the ground, hitting her hands and head on the concrete floor.

The last thing Emma remembered before she blacked out was a man in a silver suit towering over her.

I just have to say that what I write is what I write. No one is forcing you to read my stories. If you say you don't like something of mine, that's fine. I'm not holding a gun to your head, saying "read this or I'm going to kill you!" I write to please myself, nobody else. I'm just fortunate enough that people like what I like to write.

Thank you to all the readers out there that actually read all or most of my stories. Thank you to all the readers who like to talk to me. Making this account has given me the best of friends. I wouldn't trade any of them for the world.

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