Chapter one (Adelia)

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Chapter one (Adelia)

"You know, I'll be rescued soon..." I threaten, trying to keep my voice calm. I try to yank my hand from his iron grip, but its no use. I'm suddenly thrown to the ground. Cheers arise from around me, and I look right into the smirking face of my captor himself.

Peter Pan.

"Here she is, boys," he addresses the others with an mischievous grin , "in flesh and blood." he adds.

I remain on the ground and study my surroundings. I'm in a clearing surrounded by dark forest, with tents randomly placed around a campfire. A large group of gangly boys stand in front of me, observing me with wide eyes.

I try to raise myself off the ground, only to be met by my captor's foot, which pushes me back down.

I gaze upwards and meet his gleaming green eyes. I observe his short brown hair, and his outfit made of mixed fabrics patched together. I look down at my own outfit, a plain red camisole with high waisted shorts, and my dirty black high-tops. Luckily, I'm not in my church clothes.

He gives me a harsh glare, and I return it with a look of total hatred.

"Felix!" Pan calls, not bothering to take his gaze off of me, "Put her away."

A few seconds later, I'm pulled off the ground by a tall boy, with a face covered in scars.

"Come on," he says, slurring his words. He begins dragging me away from the camp. I try to resist by digging my heels into the ground, but it's no help at all. Desperate, I can only think of the grossest way of self defense. I jerk my head around, and sink my teeth into his dirt-caked arm. I sink my teeth in deeper by the second, and I wince in disgust as my tongue tastes blood. He yelps and lets go for just a second, but thats all I need. I immediately stabilize myself, and take off running into the woods.

I need to get out if here.

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