Chapter four (Pan)

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Chapter four (Pan)

Before I realize what I'm doing, I'm twisting my hand in her hair, observing it closely. It's a dull red, unless under the moon's light, when it's as bright as fire.

"Like fire," I mutter to myself, "I like fire."

Adelia has her back being pushed against the tree, and she breathes loudly, looking straight ahead, not daring to meet my eyes. I recognize look on her face; she's terrified. I take my hand off her waist and let her drop. She finds her balance, and stands. In a split second she bolts, running off, trying to escape.

Really, again? Well I can't blame her, really. She's most likely scared out of her wits, and thinks she can escape me.

"Come on, boys!" I call, not in a rush.  The lost boys get out of their cabins, grab bows and spears, and run after her.

I grin, after all, I love a good game of hide and seek.

"We've got 'er!" Felix exclaims in no time. I grab my spear, and stroll to the scene, where we've got Adelia surrounded.

"Tsk-tsk," I chide "escaping won't do you too well, love."

The boys clear a path as I walk into the middle, and pick up the fidgeting girl. I throw her over my shoulder, and begin walking back to camp. I feel her foot digging into my stomach, and the defiant action frustrates me to an extreme point. I throw her on the ground and slap her across the face. A red mark stays over her cheek, and she looks up at me, obviously hurt. A small tear rests in the brim of her eye, but she blinks, not allowing it to fall.

"Bad girls need punishment." I smirk. I pick her up again, and she doesn't even squirm the smallest bit.

"Discipline," I think to myself, "it works well."

We reach camp, and I place her into the cage. She looks up at me with deep blue eyes, and I look back, noticing the slight bruising on her cheek. "You can come out when you learn to behave." I laugh, mocking her with every word.

I crouch down, and watch her slowly fall asleep. It's a wonder she can sleep in Neverland, with the so many distractions it offers. But she does, despite the distant hooting and cheering of the lost boys. I continue to watch her peaceful sleep, but not for long. She suddenly starts twisting and mumbling, and then it turns into a hair-raising scream.

"Wake up." I order, for the noise is bothering me. When she doesn't, I open the cage and reach in to pull her out. She stays on the ground sound asleep, but soon enough the murmuring starts again.

"Stop." I say, sitting down right next to her on the leafy ground. She begins twisting too, squirming, and it starts to really get on my nerves. For some reason, I can't stand to see her uncomfortable.

"Adelia..." I call, trying to wake her up. She doesn't respond, but stops the movements. I pull her closer, put her head on my lap, and wait for her to wake up. She stops the muttering, and sleeps peacefully for the rest of the night.

Luckily, I don't sleep. So it gives me ample time to observe her movements.

Mortals are so strange.

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