chapter fourteen (pan)

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Chapter fourteen (Pan)

"Wake up, dearest." I say the next morning.

"Peter..." she mumbles, trying to hold back a smile, but it shines right through anyways.

"Get up! We're going hunting."


"The lost boys and I are going hunting. You're coming." I state.

She gets up, and I offer her a dark lump of cloth.

"What's this?" she asks, unfolding the fabric.

"Your cloak." I state, laughing as she tries it on. "Welcome to the lost boys, Adelia."

"I can't see!" she exclaims, laughing as the hood of the cloak covers her entire face. She folds it up, and says "Much better."

We walk with the lost boys, and I take front with Felix, while Adelia and Henry trail behind, chatting with each-other. We arrive at the edge of the water, where the lost boys immediately begin spear-fishing. I show Adelia how to hold the spear and how to time the fish's next movements. Soon enough, she's caught a fish. She grins at me then turns to show Henry. I use this time to think to myself.

I originally was going to use Adelia to lure the target of my revenge, but if somehow they did get to her and took her away, I would die inside. The possibility of that is large, because the people coming are very powerful.

Another matter is Henry. I need his heart, because without it, I will soon die. The people coming for Adelia are coming for Henry too, and we must be well prepared for when that happens.

And of course there is the matter of my feelings for Adelia. Feelings that I've never felt before, and things unknown are a danger. What my intentions are is even more unclear, but once I think about it, the answer has surfaced.

I want her to stay.

But how can I make her stay? She is completely unaware about my plans for Henry, not to mention that one member of the advancing rescue party is her sister. I also haven't mentioned how desperate she is to finally find her.

With a net full of fish, the lost boys, Adelia, Henry, and I return to camp, where we find the place ransacked. The lost boys ready their weapons, and quickly I grab my dagger. After a quick look around the camp, we have detected no enemies. I quickly walk into my tent, grab a spear, and exit. The lost boys watch as I carefully hand my dagger to Adelia.

"Use this." I demand, and she takes the knife. The smirk on her face reflects the one on mine, and we stare into each-others eyes for what seems like the longest time. She drops the dagger, puts her arms around my neck, and kisses me. Our (technically third) kiss is no less effective as the others.

I instantly regret my decision of giving her the knife. Encouraging her to fight is exactly what I shouldn't do. I want her to hide, so they won't find her and take her back home. "Adelia!" I call, and gesture for her to follow me. She grins and follows me to the back of the camp.

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