chapter fifteen (adelia)

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Chapter fifteen (Adelia)

"Adelia," he begins, looking at me with a scowl.

"Yes?" I ask, returning his gaze with curious eyes.

"The people that are coming here are very dangerous."

All of a sudden, I see where he's going with this. "But..." I begin, but Peter interrupts me.

"They're here to take you and Henry away."

"But they won't."

"Ah, and how do you know? You seem so sure."

"Because you're Peter Pan!" I exclaim. "Peter Pan never fails."

He smiles seductively and raises an eyebrow. "You've forgot something."

"And what's that?" I ask.

"I won't let them take you." he promises. "I love you, Adelia."

I feel a tear trickle down my cheek, but its not a tear of sadness.

Its a tear of joy.

I am pulled into a big hug, and Peter kisses my forehead. I wipe the tear away and laugh, "I love you too.

A yell echoes through the trees, and Peter turns his head to the direction of the noise. "They're here." he gravely states, grabbing his cloak and spear. I reach to grab my dagger, but he stops me. "Adelia, hide. Don't let them find you." he orders.

"No." I argue defiantly.

Peter grins, raises an eyebrow, tosses me my cloak, and says "Fight like Hell."

"Peter, promise me you won't kill anyone." I demand, grabbing his hand.

"Adelia, I'm filled with dark magic..." he begins.

"Promise me!" I exclaim in the midst of his sentence.

"I'm sorry." He mutters, and he turns off to the woods and charges into the dark green vines.

I grab my dagger, and go the opposite way. Soon enough I'm lost, and the cloak I'm wearing becomes heavier by the second. I hear a rustling behind me, and turn sharply to see a woman who looks very much like I do, but with a darker shade of red colored hair. She has bright blue eyes well, the exact color as mine.

"Who are you?" I ask, clutching the dagger. I take off the cloak, throwing it to the leafy ground.

"Adelia." she says, quietly, almost as if she was talking to herself.

"W-who are you?" I ask again.

"It's me, Belle. I know you don't remember me." the woman says in a deep british accent.

Nothing can prepare me for what she says next.

"I'm your sister."

"I don't have I sister."

"Adelia, I'm sorry I haven't found you sooner."

"How do I know you're not lying?" I ask, but one look into her eyes, the same ones identical to mine, I know it's true.

Before she can even speak, I rush over to her and give her a hug. I feel her shoulders shake as she suddenly begins to cry.

"Oh Adelia." she begins, her voice shaking. "Come home with us."

As soon as she says this I pull away. "I can't." I argue, not daring to say why.

"What do you mean?" she asks, looking at me as if I'm insane.

"Just trust me, Belle. I need to stay." I insist.

"Just come with me, come to meet the others. At least do this for me." she pleads.

I can't afford to lose my sister as soon as I've met her. I agree, and follow her back to a battlefield.

A group of adults stand, surrounded by lost boys. The two groups fight each-other, with magic, bows, swords, etc. and I see Peter, strutting around in the middle of it. He uses a spear, blocking attacks left and right.

"Stop!" I yell, and the fighting decreases until I'm standing in between the two parties.

"Adelia!" Pan yells, running to join me. He stands next to me, and raises an eyebrow. I observe the intruders, among which I see the pirate. He stands next to a muscular blond woman. I see other faces as well, but none are recognizable.

"I'm sorry." I say to Belle, who begins to cry. I clutch Peters hand, and look into his eyes. Without another word, I run away, back to camp. Pan and the boys follow, and soon enough I've cried myself to sleep.

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