Chapter two (Pan)

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Chapter two (Pan)

Felix comes dashing out if the forest, balancing his club over his shoulder.

"Is she in the cage?" I ask, looking at the scar on the side of his head. Felix nods, nervously. His nerves give it straight away. Fifty or so years as a lost boy had taught me well.

"You're lying." I hiss, and shove him against a tree, where I hold him by the neck. "Where is she?" I demand, closing my hands tighter on his throat.

"She got away, she bit me." He gasps, using the little air he has. Frustrated, I take my hands off his throat and punch him in the stomach.

"A bite? A bite?" I ask, letting him drop to the ground. "It'll take more than that to escape us."

I grab a spear off the weaponry rack and turn to the forest.

"Pan never fails." I smirk, and stroll into the forest.

Almost immediately, I hear a twig snap, not too far away.

"This 'il be a piece of cake." I assure myself. I track the sound to a large tree, the one where pixie dust used to grow. I look up, and spot a little glimpse of the red hair on her head.

"Well hello there, love." I chuckle. She stays hidden, but it's no use, I can see her well now. "Come on, get down from there." I try to reason; my eyebrows lifting in their usual pattern. I'm answered with a brief rustling of the tree-leaves as she adjusts her footing. "Fine!" I tease, hoping to scare her. "I'll just have to come up."

I get my footing ready and grab the closest branch. I pull myself up, and start climbing. It takes me almost no time to reach the top, where the girl fearfully awaits me.

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