chapter ten (pan)

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Chapter ten (Pan)

I raise an eyebrow, and cock my head to the side. She stands bravely, stiffly poised, and clenches her fists.

"What? You want to fight?" I ask, laughing.

She shakes her head, and I see something in her eyes I hadn't seen before.


I grab her long hair and use it to pull her to the ground. "Why so hopeful, dearest?"

She falls, but not before she delivers a sharp kick to my groin. I look at her, smirking.

"As I said, my dear, I'm above pain."

"That usually works." she mutters.

"Oh? Well Adelia, I'm everything BUT normal. And if you really wanted to touch them, you could have asked." I say, chuckling.

She pretends not to be amused by my joke. "You're insane" she mutters.

"Ah, well lets make a deal, shall we?" I say, kneeling down to meet her eyes.

"I don't like where you're going with this." she says, weary.

I laugh. "You don't sleep in the cage anymore, if you promise not to escape."

She looks at me, thinking it over. "Deal." she agrees.

I pick her up, not over the shoulder this time, but bridal style. I put her into one of the empty tents. She looks up at me with her eyebrows raised.

Oh boy, they learn so fast.

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