chapter eight (pan)

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Chapter eight (Pan)

"On who?" she asks, definitely intrigued.

"Sorry darling, that's none of your business."

"Well, considering i'm technically part of the plan, I think I should know."

I change the subject. "How come you aren't absolutely afraid of me anymore?" I ask, raising my eyebrow!

She obviously can't see my perking eyebrow, considering I have her over my shoulder.

"Well I realized how stupid it is to fear a bipolar teenage boy." she answers.

"Oh darling, you've certainly called me out on that." says my voice, needless to say, filled with sarcasm.

"Well it's true isn't it? And please stop calling me 'dearie' because it's getting old." she says, her voice finally rid of the fear that filled it.

"I know why I don't scare you anymore."

"And why's that?"

"Because you know that no matter what, I'm going to find you. There is no point of escape, or anything for that matter."

"Pan never fails." I hear her mutter.

"Exactly. No more escaping then, I assume."

"Sure. Only if you tell me who you're planning to get revenge on."

"Well, considering I would find you anyways... no."

"Yes, but not if I were to leave Neverland." she speculates.

"Ah, but you won't." I answer, positive what I've said is true.

"So, what about that delightful topic of the discipline I need for my previous actions?" She asks, and laughs. "What are you going to do? Lock me up again?"

"Great idea." I mutter.

We reach camp, and I carefully take her off my shoulder, and place her on the ground. The lost boys are gone, still looking for Adelia (unaware I've found her).

"So that punishment? Go ahead. It couldn't possibly as bad as my last foster father's disciplinary beliefs."

"What do you mean?" I ask, genuinely intrigued.

"My foster dad would hit me, kick me, threaten me with knives, etc."

"Thats terrible." I say, not even raising my brow the slightest amount.

"Well I'm out of there aren't I?" She mutters, looking out the ground.

I don't respond, and we remain standing awkwardly.

"So... lets get to that punishment." She says, wiping a tear, cringing as I step closer.

Passion over mind, I grab her by the waist, and pull her close.

Then smash my lips against hers.

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