chapter ninteen (emma)

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Chapter nineteen (EMMA)

We set up camp just North of our last conformation with Pan. To Belle's dismay, we've tied the still passed out Adelia to a tree. I take watch with Belle, and catch her wipe a tear as. she looks over at Adelia. Belle and I take watch, while everyone else sleeps.

"What kind of sister am I?" Belle asks, not meeting my eyes.

"A good one. You're protecting her, after all." I assure her.

"Just, it all seems terrible, I seem terrible as well."

"Listen, Belle... in the first few weeks I knew Henry, I tried so hard to get him to like me. I got better results when I wasn't as desperate."

"But I am desperate. I need to get her off the island."

"I know, that won't be easy I'm afraid. We have her now, but Pan'll just come back."

"She loves him though..." Belle trails off.

"I doubt it."

"Emma, I can see it in her eyes. We're both beautiful women who love men that appear hideous and cruel."

"Pan is actually pretty attract-" I begin, but Belle cuts me off.

"I mean on the inside."


"If he truly loves her, nothing will stop him
from returning." Belle sighs.

"Unless we kill him."

"I suppose so."

"Belle, we'll bring her home, and we'll kill Pan."

"I hope so."

Everyone gets out of their tents, stretching and rubbing their eyes. After a small meal of fish and eggs of an unknown bird. Hook draws a diagram of Neverland in the dirt, all the while shooting Neal nasty looks.

"So what're we doing today?" I ask, and Gold steps right up to answer.

"Easy, today we're killing Pan." He states.

"What's the rush?" Tinkerbell asks in her thick accent.

"Tonight's the new moon. Meaning that if we don't, Henry will die." Gold states.

"Well how will we kill him? We're never within' ten feet of him unless he wants us to be!" I exclaim.

"Well, we've got something extremely useful."

"And what's that?"


"Rumple, No." Belle insists.

"Belle, we need to get Henry back." Gold says, trying to reason with her.

"I don't want to risk losing her." Belle states.

"Belle, please. For Henry." I plead.

Finally, she agrees. We prepare to move out, only with weapons and a first aid kit with us. As soon as we're about to leave, Adelia bolts out of her slumber. She looks around with big eyes, and shrieks.

"Peter!" She shrieks, alarmed to see he isn't in sight. "What do you want with me?" she asks, struggling against the ropes that bind her to the tree.

"Adelia, please." Belle pleads, "Come home with me."

"No! If you wanted me back you could have pulled me out of the foster system!" she yells. Belle slumps her head, and begins to cry. "I'm eighteen freaking years old! You had eighteen years to find me!" Adelia continues. "And when I'm finally happy, you come to take me away."

"Adelia, he's using you." I state.

"No, he's not."

"Adelia, we're done arguing. You'll see for yourself. Until then, you're staying with us." I say insistingly.

Charming ties her hands together, puts a rag in her mouth so she won't yell for Pan, and with an "I'm sorry." he turns away.

We move towards Skull Rock, where Henry's sacrifice is meant to take place. Adelia walks in front of a watchful Regina, her hands bound together by thick rope.

We walk all day, trudging through the jungle, our feet sinking in the muddy ground. As the sky begins to darken, we reach the coast. Rowboats sit on the water's edge, and we soon divide ourselves into groups. I lift Adelia into a boat, with Hook, Tink, and Me inside.

"Hello lass. Long time no see, eh?" The pirate, Hook, grins deviously.

Adelia narrows her eyes, not being able to speak considering the rag in her mouth.

"The thing about Pan, love, is that he may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon."

Adelia shakes her head, and delivers an unsuspected kick to his ribs. Hook (since he was so near the edge of the boat, tumbles over, into the water. Adelia turns to Tink, but its too late. She grabs be by the hair and puts a knife to Adelia's neck.

"Watch it." she warns, in the thickest accent I've ever heard.

She pushes Adelia down onto the bench, and she remains sitting there. After a quick rowing trip, we've entered the skull-shaped cave.

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