chapter twenty-four (adelia)

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Chapter Twenty-four (Adelia)

I wake up to a rocking movement joined by the salty air of the sea. I look around, expecting myself to be in my tent back at the camp, but alas, I find myself in a hammock, hanging in a dark room. I try to get up, but can only wince as my thigh erupts into pain. I grit my teeth, feeling tears gather in my eyes as I struggle not to wail in pain. I situate myself so that I am lying down completely, and the pain remains, but slowly fading away. I take a glance at my leg, finding a bloody bandage crudely wrapped around my thigh.

I am in a dark room, with wooden walls and a few port-holes as windows. The floor seems to rock slightly as well. I hear footsteps outside the room, and I quickly pretend to sleep as the door creaks open.

"Still knocked-out, I'm afraid." Hook states, taking a quick glance at me. Hatred bubbles inside me like a geyser that's ready to erupt. I try to reposition myself to see him better, but I lose my balance. I fall to the floor with a loud thump, and scream as I clutch my bloody leg.

"Where is he?" I scream, demanding an answer to Peter's whereabouts.

"Calm down, love." Hook chuckles.

The fury swells within me, completely blocking out the pain.

"Adelia! You're awake!" Belle exclaims, entering the room and then rushing towards me. "Get back in bed Adelia, let your leg heal."

"Where's Peter?" I ask, furrowing my brow in worry.

"Don't worry, Adelia, he won't be able to hurt you ever again."

"What did you do to him?" I snarl.

Belle's smile instantly disappears. "Adelia listen..."

"What's going on? Where am I?"

"You're on my boat, lass." Hook chuckles.

"What are you going to do with me?" I ask, feeling the pain return to my leg.

"Adelia, we're going home. We've saved Henry too."

"Storybrooke?" I ask, remembering my first conversation with Henry.

"No, the enchanted forest!" Belle exclaims with a delighted squeal.


"You'll live in a big castle, wear beautiful dresses, and be a princess!"

"Let me be." I demand. "Let me go."


"Let. Me. Go."

"I'm sorry."

"What?" I ask, but suddenly I'm grabbed by Hook. I scream and try to escape his grip, but it's no use. I'm put in a kind of cell, it's unforgivably small, and he closes the door, locking me behind the bars. I shriek and sob, flinging myself at the bars, screaming insults and threats. Belle shoots me one last glance of concern before leaving the room, Hook following her on the way out.

"Peter." I sob to myself, repeating his name over and over like a broken record. "Peter."

Belle told me they saved Henry, does that mean Peter's dead?


Even if he's alive, will I ever see him again?


I'd never be his queen


I scream and wail, continuously throwing myself at the bars screaming his name.


The room is cold, I shiver, remembering the feeling of his warmth.


And his eyes, his vibrant green eyes, eyes I yearn to gaze into once more.

I collapse to the ground, with a heavy pain in my leg and heart.

"Prepare the sails!" faintly hear from above decks. "We're going home."

"Peter." I whisper, once more.

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