chapter seventeen (pan)

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Chapter seventeen (Pan)

"How is she?" Felix asks, sitting next to me on the log nearest Adelia's tent.

"She's paralyzed, which'll leave her weak for a day or two. Luckily, thats about as long it'll take for Emma to find Neal." I answer, furrowing my brow.

"And how much longer do you have, until you take Henry's heart?" Felix asks, with a sly grin.

"Not long, my magic is running low." I say with a sigh.

"So why don't you do it now?"

"I have to wait until the new moon."

"And I'm guessing Adelia would be horrified." Felix speculates.

"Definitely" I scoff.

"But you love her?"


"And she loves you?"


"When will Adelia wake up?" Felix asks, pushing down the hood of his cloak.

"Peter." Adelia sighs, emerging from her tent. She runs right towards me, but her legs falter and she flops to the ground. I run over and pick her up bridal style. I sit down, positioning her so she sits in my lap. "Where's my sister?" she asks, but not in a way of worry.

"Gone." I answer.

"Good." Adelia sighs. "You never told me that my sister was coming."

"I didn't want you to leave." I reply, giving Felix a look. He understands what I'm getting at, stands up, and leaves the camp. The other lost boys follow his example.

"Is it true? About Henry, I mean." she asks.


Adelia inhales deeply, and closes her eyes. "Thats so messed up."


"Isn't there another way? We can go back with Belle!"

"Adelia, they came here to kill me, out of many things."

"They don't know you like I do, thats all."

"Dearest, I'd have to stay here."

"I'm not going anywhere without you."

"Adelia, the entire island will die if I don't get Henry's heart..."

"It's wrong, Pan."

"I'll think about it, but there's something you must remember."


"I'm a villain, villains don't get happy endings."

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