chapter sixteen (emma)

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Chapter sixteen (EMMA)

"Belle, it's okay." Gold states, reassuringly. "We'll get her back." he promises.

"Yeah, along with Henry." I agree, patting her shaking shoulder.

"B-but what if Pan kills her?" Belle asks between choked sobs.

"He won't. Not until I get there, anyways." Neal states in that deep voice of his.

We stare at Neal, utterly confused, until he begins to explain. "This is all a trap. He knew Belle would come for Adelia, Rumplestiltskin would come with Belle, and I would come with Rumplestiltskin. As for Henry, well, Henry isn't part of the plan. Pan needs him."

"What?" I ask, my eyes wide.

"Pan wants revenge on me." Neal states.

"Why?" Mary Margret asks.

"Because, I used to be a lost boy. I escaped. Nobody escapes Neverland without being noticed by Pan."

"Well..." Regina begins, "I don't see why we're just standing around when my son is in danger."

"Our son." I correct. The snarl on her face tells me we'll argue about that later.

"Where's the camp?" Charming asks Neal.

"We aren't too far, but we must continue West." Hook answers the question meant for Neal, and they give each-other nasty looks.

Why must there so many negative relationships among us? "So what will we do once we arrive at the camp?" I ask.

"We lure Adelia to us. Regina, thats where your magic will come in handy." Gold replies, gesturing towards the evil queen.

"Easy." Regina agrees. "So how old is she?" she turns to Belle.

"Eighteen." Belle answers, wiping a tear.

"So I guess materializing candy bars and a stuffed bear won't exactly bring her to us." Regina mutters.

"Lets go." Charming says, "Before Pan's boys come back."

We begin marching through the dense forest, and I take the lead, joined by Hook.

"Emma..." he begins, obviously wanting to discuss the kiss we recently shared.

"Not in the mood." I say, trying to get him to back off.

"Emma, I'm aware Baelfire feels the same, but I love you."

"It was just a kiss!" I exclaim.

"It's what the kiss exposed."

"Hook, listen, all I care about is getting Henry home."

"Adelia too I suppose."

"Yeah, every child should be near family." I say.

Finally getting fed up with my stubbornness, Hook gives up, keeping quiet.

Tinkerbell, being quiet all this time, pipes up. "We've reached the perimeter of Pan's camp."

"Lets get Adelia and Henry." Charming insists. We prepare our weapons, and storm the camp.

Lost boys stand around the campfire, looking at us with shocked expressions. Regina waves her hand, and they slump to the ground.

When we look at her in surprise, she replies "What? I've just knocked them out."

"Oka-" I begin, until Snow shushes me.

We all look at her as she points to the nearest tree. Out from the tree drops the redhead herself. She has changed into a shirt that looks like the one Pan had been wearing (a shirt made of green and brown fabrics patched together crudely) She now holds a crossbow which she loads and aims it at us.

"Leave." she orders, her voice bold. Belle tries to take a step closer but she points the arrow straight at her, and moves back.

"Adelia, you need to come back home." Belle states in a shaky voice.

"Sorry, can't. I belong here." she apologizes, and puts the crossbow down.

"No, you don't." Gold argues. "Listen, dearie...Pan has bad intentions for you. Most likely death, seeing as those are his plans for Henry."

"That's not true." she insists. She turns to the forest, and she runs straight into it. We immediately run after her, and running as quickly as I can, I get close enough to see her trip over the shoelace of her high-tops. As soon as she gets herself off the ground, she's enveloped with purple smoke. I realize Regina used the squid ink to paralyze her.

"Listen, Adelia." I calmly say, "We won't hurt you."

I don't get a response, meaning that the ink froze her mouth shut.

"Adelia, we have a nice home. A beautiful town in Maine, named Storybrooke. But soon, we'll go back to the enchanted forest, and we'll have a big castle." Belle says, trying to convince Adelia with all her might. "The enchanted forest is ten million times better than Neverland. Just ask Baelfire, he's been to both. Right Baelfire?" She asks, turning to face him. Her gaze meets no one.

Baelfire is gone.

"I can't believe it!" I exclaim, "Pan took him right under our noses."

"Hey, we'll find him." David says, rubbing my shoulder.

"No, you won't." says the teasing voice of Peter Pan himself. I pull out my sword, and Regina readies her hands to blast fire. He struts around us, and uses magic to appear next to Adelia.

"Get away from her!" Belle screams, and Peter smirks.

"Where's Neal?" I ask, aiming my sword at Pan.

"Oh, well Neal's alive, for now, seeing as you find him in time." Pan smirks, putting his hand on Adelia's shoulder. "As for Adelia and Henry, well, they'll be staying with me."

"No!" Belle screams, and I'm filled with pity for her.

"We'll get Henry." I state, "Adelia too."

"You're not getting it..." Pan begins, "You got Adelia, I got her back. Its the game." he grins.

He picks Adelia up, and disappears.

Belle begins to cry, and Snow tries to comfort her. "We'll find her, Belle."

Neal's disappearance adds to the overall worry I have about Henry.

It also adds to my hatred towards Pan.

We'd find Neal,


and Henry.

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