chapter eleven (adelia)

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Chapter eleven (Adelia)

I realize it's been a whole day since my escape attempt. My mind tells me to sleep, but I realize this would be a perfect time to look around. Knowing that Pan would expect me to be asleep, it only adds to the opportunity. I stick my head out of the tent (which I'll admit is slightly better than the cage I previously habited.)

Glancing around, I see only one boy, sitting alone near the campfire. He is young, maybe eleven or twelve, and he wears different clothing that the other lost boys. He is dressed in a red, plaid shirt and jeans. For some reason, I'm not wary of the kid, and sure enough I walk over and sit down next to him. He looks at me, with a curious expression.

"Hey, kid." I say, giving a small smile.

"Hey." He says, awfully glum.

"Why are YOU here?" I ask, intensely curious.

"I don't know. Pan has been through a lot to get me here though." he replies, in a voice that definitely belongs to a young boy.

"Same. Not as much trouble as he's been through keeping me here."

"Oh yeah, you're Adelia aren't you?"

"Pan told you about me?" I ask.

"Well he talked to all of us. He said to make sure you didn't escape."

"Haha, well they've done a good job." I scoff.

"Where do you come from?" He asks, suddenly changing the subject.

"Manhattan, you know, New York." I answer.

"Oh, I'm from Storybrooke."

"Where's that?"


"Is it cold?" I ask, attempting small talk.

"In the winter, freezing."

I laugh, this kid is too darn cute.

I hear a distant voice, followed by another.

"Quick!" he warns, "It's Pan and Felix."

"Felix? You mean scar-face?"

The boy smiles, and says again "Quick!"

I trot back to my tent, and before I go in, I ask one final question. "What's your name, kid?"


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