chapter seven (adelia)

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Chapter seven (Adelia)

I hold a quivering sword in Pan's direction, trying to take control of my shaky breaths. He turns to me, with another one of his sarcastic grins plastered to his face.

"Ah, Adelia." He says, in his deep english accent. He keeps his dagger to Hook's throat. "Care to join me?" he asks, but it comes out more as an order.

"Go to hell." I insist, moving a step closer, sword in hand.

Pan raises an eyebrow, apparently humored by my last remark. "Where else do you think you are?" he smirks, gesturing around with his free hand.

I'll admit, he has a point.

"So... ready to go? Or should I kill him first?" Peter asks, raising his eyebrow.

"No." I insist, my voice shaky. "I'll come, if you leave him alone." I gesture towards the grinning pirate.

Pan cocks his head, as if thinking it over. After a short while, he agrees. "Fine. Just put that sword down before you hurt yourself."

I drop the sword, hearing it clammer against the ship's wood.

"Come 'ere." He orders.

I oblige, and take small steps over to him.

Pan lets go of the Pirate, and grabs me by the shirt. "You, dear, are in so much trouble." he snarls. He throws me over his back, and I start to feel numb as all the blood goes to my head. I take one last look at the pirate, and I see him wink.

That wink meant he would come.

He would rescue me.

"Am I really that bad? I'm certainly not the worst host alive! " Pan laughs, as he strolls through the foliage, with me over his shoulder. "To be honest, I took your word back there. You know, how you said you wouldn't try to escape again." he trails off, but I pay no attention.

All the blood rushing to my head is giving me a massive headache.

"But theres still the matter of that punishment I promised."

"I w-wont run away again."

"Ah, but my dear, thats what you said last time. And how many times have you tried to run, exactly?"

"Three." I mutter, causing Pan to chuckle.

"And how many times did you succeed?"

What he doesn't know is that I did succeed. Soon enough the pirate would come for me, and take me home.

Pan takes my silence as a surrender in the argument. "Don't worry, love. Perhaps just a swift kick to the ribs." he laughs at his own cruelty , and I wince at the thought.

"Why don't you just kill me then?" I snap.

"Because, my dearest Adelia, you happen to be very special. And whether you know it or not, you're going to help me exact something very important."

"And what may that be?" I ask, my voice filled with annoyance.


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