chapter twenty-three (pan)

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Chapter twenty-three (Pan)

"Adelia!" I yell, looking into her eyes for any signs of life. The arrow went deep into her thigh, and the blood pouring out appears dark due to the black sky. Obviously the arrow wasn't meant for her, but somehow it reached her. The fighting continues in a big blur of grunts, yells, and clashing swords. I softly slap her cheeks, to keep her conscious, assuring she'll be alright in a calm voice, but it's no use, she's already passed out. "Adelia?" I ask, raising my voice, now tapping her forehead to try to wake her. I hear yells in the background, but I zone out, only focusing on the out-cold girl. Blood is pouring all over me as I try to elevate her leg, placing her foot on a rock. I kiss her forehead, and turn away, gripping my spear furiously.

They will pay.

"Boys!" I attract their attention. They stop fighting and look in my direction, but their gazes switch to Adelia, lying on the ground, barely breathing.

The adults stop the fighting, and look too, and Charming mutters "Oh no."

"Adelia!" Belle screams in horror, and runs to her sister. I point my weapon at Belle, and warn her to back away. She does no such thing.

"Adelia." she sobs, tears adding to the blood.

"Is she dead?" Regina asks, without the smallest amount of concern. With a wave of her hand, she releases a spell, causing all the lost boys to fall to the ground in deep sleep.

I take a good look at Adelia, relieved to see her chest moving up and down. "No." I answer, baring my teeth. "But she will be soon enough, if I don't do something."

"Leave that to us." Rumplestiltskin snarls.

An arrow comes straight at me obviously containing squid ink to paralyze me, aimed towards my heart. I catch it in the blink of an eye, and turn to Baelfire, the one who shot it in the first place. "Don't you remember?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course, thats why I didn't put it on the tip." He laughs.

I look down at my glowing hand, watching as a purple glow spreads all over my body, except for anything above my neck. I snarl, observing my un-movable body. "I will get Adelia back." I confidently state. But something tells me the squid ink was in a large dose, large enough so they'll have enough time to escape.

I realize that if I let them take her away, I'll never be able to see her again.

"Adelia!" I yell, hoping with all my heart she'll wake. As they walk away, towards the coast, something unspeakably unusual happens.

A single tear drips down my face.

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