Chapter Seven: Bad Day

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Gil came to the studio early and found the door unlocked.  He went inside and saw that the lights were on in one of the rooms.  As he cautiously stepped in the room, he noticed Gary was sound asleep on the floor.  He also noticed a few empty beer bottles lying on the floor next to the couch.

"Gary, wake up!" said Gil.

"Uggh, my head...what's going on?" Gary said.

Gil helped Gary get up and put him on the couch. 

"What happened here?....Were we robbed?" Gil asked.

He looked around to see if anything was missing.  Once Gil made sure nothing was stolen from the studio, he came back to Gary to see how he was doing.  Gary was sitting up but covering his face with his hands.  He had a major hangover and couldn't remember what happened earlier. 

Gil went to get him a drink of water.  When he gave it to Gary, he noticed red lipstick on Gary's mouth and one of his cheeks was really red as if someone had slapped him. 

"What happened here last night?"

Gary said, "I...I...don't remember."

"You have red lipstick smeared all over your mouth and why is one of your cheeks really red?" asked Gil.

Gary tried to think back at what happened earlier but for the life of him, he couldn't remember.  Gil decided to drive Gary home so he could rest and recover from being drunk the night before.  He called Yoo Jae Suk to let him know that Gary was not feeling well and will not be able to come in to work today.  Yoo Jae Suk thanked Gil for calling and reassured him to let Gary know that they will work around his character so he can stay home and rest.

When Gary woke up, he had a huge migraine.  He found a note on the kitchen counter from Gil explaining that he can stay home and rest.  He called Yoo Jae Suk earlier to let him know that he (Gary) was not feeling well and will not be reporting for work.  Gary then made himself a cup of herbal tea to help ease the nagging pain throbbing in his head.  He was feeling a bit lonesome and decided to text Ji Hyo to see if he could come over to her place today.

Ji Hyo never responded to his text message.  Since Ji Hyo didn't respond to his text message, he figured she was too preoccupied with work to return his message.  So Gary decided to take a shower and then go back to sleep.  He was still feeling a bit drunk from the night before.

Ji Hyo came home shaking after meeting up with the drunkard Gary at his studio.  Her arms were bruised from when he tackled her to the ground, her back ached from when he put his heavy weight on top of her and her lips hurt from his harsh kiss.  When she looked in the bathroom mirror, she noticed a little bit of blood where her shirt was torn.  She immediately got on the phone and called her manager to let her know that she will not be able to make it to work today because she was not feeling well.  Her manager said she would take care of everything and that for her to get better soon.

After Ji Hyo talked to her manager, she went to go take a shower. After taking her shower, she immediately put on her pajamas and went to bed.

She was just about to fall asleep when she heard her cell phone ring.  It was a text message from Gary.  She grabbed the phone and threw it across the room and began crying really hard.  She eventually cried herself to sleep.

The next day, Ji Hyo called Lee Kwang Soo.  She could easily confide things to him because she trusted him and he was like a brother to her.  Ji Hyo told him what happened to her when she went to visit Gary at his studio.  Lee Kwang Soo was shocked and angry that Gary hyung mistreated Ji Hyo that night.  Lee Kwang Soo asked her if she was okay and she said yes but she was still shaken a bit about the incident. He told her not to worry and that he will talk to hyung once he sees him.  He offered to pick her up from her home and drive her to work.  She only gave Gary permission to come visit her house but now she was willing to let Lee Kwang Soo know where she lived because of his generous offer to come pick her up to take her to work.  She felt too distraught to drive herself to work.

After a night of peaceful rest, Gary's headache disappeared and he was ready to go back to work.  When he arrived at work, he didn't see Ji Hyo's car in the parking lot.  So he went to her trailer to see if she came in today for work.  He knocked on the door but nobody answered it.  He turned the doorknob to see if it was unlocked and when it was, he opened the door and said, "Ji Hyo, are you here?"  He had such a surprise look on his face when he saw Lee Kwang Soo hugging Ji Hyo on the couch.  Jealousy came over Gary and he immediately said in a loud voice, "Aigoo, what's going on here!?...What are you two doing?  Lee Kwang Soo immediately got up and went to Gary hyung and told him "this isn't what it looks like."  Gary and Lee Kwang Soo began to wrestle one another, when Ji Hyo stood up and said, "please stop!"  She then asked Gary to leave. 

Gary was feeling jealous, angry and hurt that he was told to leave.  The three of them continued to do the show as if nothing happened.  They did not want the other cast members to know what was going on with their personal life.

Once filming ended the cast and crew tiredly went home, except for Gary, Ji Hyo and Lee Kwang Soo.  Gary went back to his trailer and waited until everyone was gone before going to see Ji Hyo in her trailer.  Little did he know that Lee Kwang Soo was comforting Ji Hyo in his trailer.  Gary walked over to Ji Hyo's trailer once he saw the parking lot was nearly empty.  When he got up to the door, he noticed it was locked.  He looked out into the parking lot and noticed two cars still parked.  He recognized his car and at a closer look noticed that the other car belonged to Lee Kwang Soo.  Gary rushed over to Lee Kwang Soo's trailer.  He opened the door and barged in only to see Lee Kwang Soo coming out of his bedroom with a tray of food in his hand.  In the background, he could see Ji Hyo sitting up in his bed. 

"Hyung, it's not what you think?...."Please don't misunderstand"..."I can explain everything"...

(Author"s Note:  Please note that this is a MAKE BELIEVE STORY and the characters were NEVER involved in any of the incidences mentioned in the story.)

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