Chapter Twenty: Mistake

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It was very early in the morning when Ji Hyo woke up.  She was lying by Gary's side, with her hand on his chest and her leg crossed over his.  Gary's arm was holding her close to him. 

"What am I going to do?" Ji Hyo quietly said to herself.

"Stay with me and love me." Gary whispered back.

Ji Hyo looked up and said, "Oh Gary oppa, you're awake."

Although Gary was still tired, he managed to wake up almost the same time as Ji Hyo without letting her know.  He heard what she said.

"Ji Hyo, I will never do anything to hurt know how much I love you...please, let me explain what happened."

She looked away from him as she rested her head on his bare chest.

"Oppa, I have to leave soon....we are filming early today."

Ji Hyo got up from bed to go take a shower.

"I'll shower with you," said Gary.

"No oppa...I am in a hurry."

She then went to take her shower and later got dressed to go to work.  Gary was still lying in her bed feeling very tired and sleepy.  After she got dressed, she went to him and told him that when he was ready to leave, to just lock and close the door behind him.  She turned and was getting ready to leave when Gary grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her back towards him.  He turned her around, hugged her tightly and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Have a nice day at work," he said.

Ji Hyo got up and left to go to work.

Gary was feeling confident that everything was going to be okay and that Ji Hyo had forgiven him.  Little did he know that he was dead wrong.

As Ji Hyo was driving to work, she contemplated on what had happened last night. 

"I can't believe I slept with him again!....what's wrong with me?....he must think I had forgiven him because we made love...."

Ji Hyo was feeling the opposite of Gary.  Just because she was temporarily weak from Gary's advances does not mean she forgot what he did.  She was still struggling with forgetting what she heard and saw to forgiving him for what he did. 

Work kept her busy so she was able to get her mind away from Gary.

Gary finally got up and left Ji Hyo's place an hour after she left.  He had put on his disguise so nobody would recognize him when he left her apartment building.  He felt satisfied that they could work through this and get back together. 

Ji Hyo finished filming for her new drama late in the evening.  She briefly went back to her apartment to eat and rest before heading back out again to film for running man.  She met up with Gary during filming but didn't speak to him.  They continued to work professionally and not let their personal feelings for one another affect the filming of the show.  Once filming ended, she quickly went home to avoid confronting Gary.  She made up her mind and as difficult as it was to make her decision, she knew it was the right thing for her to do.

To: Gary oppa

Message:  Last night was a mistake.  I had not forgotten what happened nor do I forgive you.  I was temporarily blinded when you seduced me to going to bed with you.  I won't make that mistake again. 

From: Ji Hyo

Gary who was feeling good about everything was driving to his studio when he received a text message from Ji Hyo.  He was shocked at what she said.  He pulled over to a nearby parking lot and immediately text her back.

To: Ji Hyo

Message:  Don't do this, I beg you...I'm very sorry....I love you...I will do anything to make it right....just don't leave me....I need life is empty without your love."

From: Gary

Ji Hyo let out a big sigh of sadness as she read Gary's last text.

To: Gary

Message:  I will always love you....but we cannot be together.

From: Ji Hyo

Gary's heart dropped when he saw her last text message.

To: Ji Hyo

Message:  What can I do to change your mind?...please Ji Hyo give me a second chance.

From: Gary

Ji Hyo was trying to lessen the blow to Gary but his insistence to continue to be together only made it harder for her to let him down easy.  She felt she needed to be more direct with him to let him know that she made up her mind already.

To: Gary

Message: I am letting you go...We were not meant to be together...I.....I don't want to be together with you....You will find someone who is better suited for you...don't call or text me anymore...we are no longer a couple...I will always wish the best for you....let's end this now....let go of me.

From: Ji Hyo

After her last text message to Gary, she quietly turned off her phone and began crying.  He text her back but she didn't respond.  He tried calling her but she didn't pick up.  He hit the steering wheel with his fist and then rested his head on it.  Tears were coming down his face. 

Out of respect and love for Ji Hyo, Gary with a heavy heart decided to let her go.

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