Chapter Fifty One: Feeling Blessed

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Nearing death, the doctor finally found the place where Ji Hyo was bleeding.  During her c-section, the doctor accidentally cut a lining underneath her skin which caused her bleed uncontrollably.  She didn't catch it the first time as it looked like a normal delivery.  However as they were trying to put her back together, it's when they realized the small undetectable incision.  Once they spotted where the bleeding was coming from, they immediately began taking care of the problem.  It took several hours before Ji Hyo was finally out of danger.

Gary, who was waiting anxiously for the doctor, did take the time to hold his son in his arms.  As he looked at his son's face, he was reminded of his beautiful mom.  Just looking at his son's eyes reminded him of Ji Hyo. The nurse then handed him a bottle of milk to feed the baby.  He sat down in a chair and lovingly fed his son.  When he was done feeding his son, he carefully put his son over his shoulder and lightly tapped his back. After hearing his son burp, he gently put his son down in his bassinet.  Gary then softly stroked his son's cheek, all the while thinking of Ji Hyo. 

As his son was falling asleep again, the doctor finally came in to give him the latest news on Ji Hyo's status.

"Oh, is Ji Hyo?"

"Everything is fine...we just finished suturing her up...we should be moving her in the room soon...she will need plenty of rest...please do not have her do any strenuous activities....she will need some time to fully you have anyone that can help her take care of the baby?"

"Yes, my mom...I will also contact her mom as well...thank you doctor...thank you so much for everything."

Gary held the doctor's hand and politely bowed several times to show his appreciation and thankfulness for taking care of JI Hyo.

When the doctor left, Yoo Jae Suk patted Gary on the back.

"Glad to hear Ji Hyo is okay....let me know when you want to share the news about the two of you...we, the running man family will stand by your's a beautiful thing what you are doing and we could not be more happier and proud of the two of happy to see that you two are finally letting everyone know that the the affection you portray for each other on the show was real and that you truly do love each other...we love the two of you and we will support you to the end."

"Thank you, hyung," Gary said.

Gary then hugged Jae Suk.  Just then, they wheeled in Ji Hyo.  She was still weak from the surgery but she managed to open her eyes to see Gary, lovingly looking back at her.

Once she settled in her bed, she looked around the room.

"Gary, I want to see the baby."

He wheeled the bassinet next to Ji Hyo's bed.  Tears came down her eyes as she saw her son peacefully sleeping. 

"Ji Hyo, what's the matter?"

"Oppa...I'm so happy...he's so his father."

Gary blushed. 

"Ji Hyo, he has your eyes....I've always loved your eyes and when I look at our son's eyes, I will be reminded of you."

Now it was Ji Hyo's turn to blush.

"Oppa...I'm so tired..."

"Ji Hyo, rest...I will be here to take care of our son...don't wo..."

He couldn't finish what he was saying because midway his sentence, Ji Hyo suddenly fell asleep.  While she was sleeping, Gary took the time to contact his parents to let them know about their grandson.  After he contacted his parents, he called Ji Hyo's parents. 

When Gary's parents came to the hospital, they were shocked with the news of the birth of their first grandson.  Even Ji Hyo's parents were shocked when they too just found about the birth of their daughter's first child.  Gary had another surprise for them. He announced his upcoming marriage to Ji Hyo.  His mom nearly fainted, when his dad caught her just as she was about to collapse on the floor.  They couldn't believe their ears.  Their son has finally decided to settle down.  Ji Hyo's mom couldn't be happier.  Both side agreed to the marriage and gave him their blessings. 

Ji Hyo was in and out during the day.  When she woke up again, she was so exhausted that she never had a chance to greet her parents as well as Gary's.  He reassured her that they will be back to check up on her as soon as she gets more rest.  They also wanted her to know how happy they were to see their little grandson.

Hearing how happy they were about the baby made Ji Hyo smile from ear to ear. 

Gary kissed her on the forehead.  Suddenly the baby began to cry.  He quickly and gently picked up his son and realized he needed a diaper change.  Ji Hyo was worried that he didn't know how to change a diaper, but Gary showed her how easily he was able to do it.

"Oppa...I'm impressed."

"The nurse showed me how to do it....I didn't know what to do the first time they told me to change his diaper....I was really nervous but now I think I am an expert," he chuckled.

Ji Hyo smiled.

"Are you happy, Gary?"

"Ji Hyo, how could you ask me that?....I'm beyond happy....I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that we have a son....we haven't even found the time to pick a name for him yet....what shall we call him?"

Let's wait on that for now.  I'm just too tired to even think about that.

Gary held her hand and watched her doze off to sleep again.  Then he looked at his son who was also sleeping by her side in his bassinet.

With love in heart and a smile on his face, he felt his life came in full circle as he now has someone who needs him as much as he needs them.  He vowed to love, cherish and protect his family no matter how bad the situation gets.  Besides his parents, the two most important people in his life right now is his son and Ji Hyo. 

Jae Suk smiled when he saw how caring Gary was to his newborn son and Ji Hyo.  He was so very happy that the two of them found each other.  He has come to realize that everyone was right about the two of them, that destiny meant for them to be together.

"Gary-ah...congratulations again...I will be leaving now...I know you will take very good care of your family...I couldn't be happier for the two of you...take good care of them...okay, I will be going now...bye."

"Hyung...thank you again for being here with me...if you didn't show up and if I lost Ji Hyo...I don't know...really, thank you...thank you so much." Gary humbly said.

"Remember Gary...never give up on hope and love...FIGHTING!"

Gary made a fist and happily replied, "FIGHTING!"

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