Chapter Fourty Six: The Baby

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Ji Hyo was squirming underneath the sheets in pain.  Gary was wondering what was going on?

"Ji Hyo...what's wrong?"

"Oppa...I'm...I'm in pain."

Gary removed the sheet from her and noticed some blood on the bed.

"Oh my god...Ji Hyo, I need to take you to the hospital."

Ji Hyo just realized that she was bleeding.  She began to panic.

"Gary the baby.."

"Kwang Soo, we need to take Ji Hyo to the hospital."

Kwang Soo immediately got up,went into the room and saw Ji Hyo's struggling to stand up.  She was flinching in pain, while holding her stomach.

Gary quickly carried her, while Kwang Soo opened the door.  They took Kwang Soo's car.  Seeing how scared and in pain Ji Hyo was, Gary had her sit in his lap so he could comfort and tell her that everything will be okay.

"Kwang Soo, please go faster," Gary said desperately.

Kwang Soo was in an adrenaline rush and he drove like a maniac.  He was able to get them to the hospital in less than 15 minutes. 

When they got to the hospital, Gary carried her in the emergency room.  Ji Hyo was immediately seen by a doctor.  Gary who was calm earlier, began to panic.

"Oh my god...the baby," Gary said as he put his hands on the side of his head.

"Hyung, don't think about'll be okay," Kwang Soo said.

Just then the doctor came in to brief them about Ji Hyo.

"Can you give me some information as to what happened to her?...also we noticed their were bruises on her you know anything about that?"

Gary said, "she was sleeping, when suddenly she woke up in pain...then I saw blood on the far as the bruises on her arms...somebody came earlier to her residence, they had an argument and he grabbed her arms..."

"Hmmm...okay...well she has lost quite an amount of blood...We need to know how far along is she with her pregnancy before we can do some tests on her?"

Gary was stumped.  Since they never really talked about when she conceived, it was difficult for him to answer the doctor's question. 

The doctor then asked Gary if he was the father.

"Yes," he said.

Sensing Gary did not know how many months Ji Hyo was pregnant, he proceeded by telling him that they will go ahead and do some tests on her to make sure everything is fine with her and the baby.  Seeing how worried Gary looked, he tried to comfort and reassure him that they will do everything they can to make sure she and the baby will be alright.  Gary thanked the doctor. 

"Kwang Soo, I can't lose them...they're my life."

Kwang Soo hugged his friend.

Just then the nurse came in and told Gary that he needed to come with her.  Gary looked at Kwang Soo and both men began to worry that something terrible happened. 

"You need to come me sir, quickly please," the nurse said.

The nurse led Gary to Ji Hyo's room.  He was stunned to see a couple of nurses and the doctor trying to subdue Ji Hyo who was fighting back.  Once the doctor saw Gary, he immediately came to him.

"You need to help us calm her down so we may give her some medication that will help her relax...she refuses for me to examine her," the doctor said.

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