Chapter Sixty Three: Letting Go the Past

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Just 15 minutes after Ji Hyo left Gary's office, Gary and Gil come back to the studio.  Gary told Gil what happened at the dinner rehearsal.

Gil couldn't believe that Gary's ex girlfriend, the one person he had the longest relationship with and wrote hit songs about showed up at the rehearsal dinner.  Both men were stunned that she showed up again after many years of not seeing each other.  Gil knew how hard that break up was for Gary and how it took him a long time to move on.  He believes Gary never truly got over the break up and that he still had feelings for her.

Both men go into Gary's office and goes to his desk.  He sees Hyun Ki's baby toys on the floor. 

"Oh, why are toys on the floor?" he said out loud.

He picks up the toys and asks one of his associates who came by his office today?  Someone told him Ji Hyo came by with their son.  Just then Gary remembered something and quickly went back to his office.  The look in Gary's face worried Gil.

"Gary, what' s wrong...why do you have that look in your face...did something happened?"

"OMG Gil...Ji Hyo was in my office with Hyun Ki...these toys were next to my desk...she must had sat on my chair."

Gary quickly opens the top drawer of his desk. He thought to himself, "could she had found it?"

The minute he opened the drawer, he could see the engagement ring he gave Ji Hyo next to the locket.  "Oh no," Gary said.  Gil noticed Gary holding Ji Hyo's ring.

"Why is Ji Hyo's ring in your desk?" he asked Gary.

"Ji Hyo found the locket and note inside my desk," Gary said.

"What are you still doing with that locket and why did you write those words on that paper?...what's wrong with you Gary...don't you love Ji Hyo...I know she loves you and I thought you love her too....what's going on?"

"Gil...of course I love Ji Hyo but that night....seeing her again after all those years, brought back lots of fond memories of us together...I can't help but not think about those times...when she got married...I thought it was the end for could I had let her somebody else has her...what was I thinking back then?"

"Gary, it was destined for you not to be her...she's with someone else and you found someone who loves you so much and vice versa...out of your love you guys produced a son could you think of any other person, including your ex girlfriend, at a time when everything is going good in your life...don't mess things up like you normally do."

"Gil...I know you're right but something inside me just has to know...I never really found closure between us and I just need to know what happened...maybe then I could truly release her from my heart....part of me still cares for her."

"Gary, you are playing with fire...what will Ji Hyo think about this?...look, she gave you back your you really want to risk everything good that is happening in your life now just so you can have closure with your ex girlfriend?"

"Gil, would it be fair to Ji Hyo if I only give a part of my heart to Ji Hyo instead of all of it...I want to make sure that this part of my life is completely closed before I make the commitment to start a new chapter in my life...I don't want Ji Hyo to doubt my love for her and I don't want to question myself if I made the right decision or not marrying Ji Hyo..."

"I understand you need closure but she already told you that she still loves you...what about that?...since you just said you still have feelings for her, will you leave Ji Hyo to be with her?...your relationship with her was very kept breaking up...she couldn't accept you for who you had a lot of faults that she couldn't fought all the weren't always that happy with her the way you are with Ji Hyo....why ruin what you have now?" Gil said.

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