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I woke up in an unfamiliar white room with only a black t-shirt which smelt like peppermint and a mix of faint aftershaves covering my body.

I walked over to the door opening it quietly, I honestly can't remember anything of last night. I was drunk before I even left Lily's house

Speaking of Lily where is she? I'm sure I was just going to stay at hers last night, just by leaving this room I could tell that this gigantic house wasn't her house. I walked down the spiral staircase, my bare feet freezing against the cold tiles waking me up

"Good Morning" a voice spoke behind me

I spun around quickly... no way. My face dropped "what the fuck" I said to myself

"You were drunk last night and said you had no place to go"

"So you just brought me back to your house"I twisted my face at harry

"I thought you would be happier" he shrugged looking confused

"I'm not really a fan your just a normal person to me" I started, his face seemed to brighten up a bit "thank you for the help, I really appreciate it but I need to get home"

"I can take you" he offered

"I was meant to be home by 2-3am, do you really think my parents would be happy if I showed up in a celebrities car" I laughed

"It's Sunday it's going to be quite hard to get anywhere, plus you can't call a taxi or anything because then people will know where I live and they could sell a story" harry said

"Ergh fine, I'm going to go get changed"I spun round leaving the room

"You got sick on your top last night, so just keep that one on" harry smiled at me

We got in his car and I told him my address so he could put in into the  maps app on his phone "my parents are going to kill me" I laughed

"You told me last night that you were staying at Lily's"he laughed back

"I was planning on it but even then they would be pissed now I'm just rocking up in a celebrities car. What else did I tell you?" I raised my eyebrow at him

"That I look like a poodle" he pouted as I burst out laughing

"Well miss Madison you have reached your destination" he smiled as I looked at the house that looked quiet, hopefully their still asleep
"Your house is really nice" Harry's eyes widened

"Thank you" I laughed "only plus side of my mum and dad being somewhere else in the world working 3/4 of the year"

I said bye to harry as my front door opened "shit" I mumbled to myself

"Who's that" harry asked

"My sister malia" I bit my lip getting out the car

"Where have you been?"she shouted

Harry's window went down "with me" he shouted behind me

Malias face lit up before mouthing an 'oh my god' I unlocked the gates waving bye to harry "I'll text you" he shouted as he drove away

"You little miss have some explaining to do" malia smiled as we walked up the drive "you are so lucky mum and dad left early this morning, I tried ringing you but your phone was off"

"Oopsss" I shrugged

"So then Harry Styles" she raised her eye brows at me

"I literally have no idea, nothing happened he new I had a boyfriend and he respected that. He told me that he was leaving the club with Niall, Liam and Louis and-" she cut me off

"Niall, Liam and Louis" she gasped "you got lucky"

"Let me finish, so yeah he was leaving the club and apparently I was on the phone to Luke telling him I had lost Lil and Luke was pissed off, so he put me in a taxi with him and the boys, we dropped them off and then went back to his, I was sick so when he took me up to bed he gave my the top he was wearing"

"So in 12 hours you met all of one direction, went to Harry Styles' house, slept there, got his top, seen him without a top on and then got dropped off by him too" I said

"Yes, I don't get why your so amused he's just a normal person who can sing" I twisted my face at her

"He's just text you asking if everything is going ok with me" she widened her eyes looking at me phone "oh my life my little sister has Harry Styles number and shirt I really can't deal"

"Malia you need to chill" I laughed at her walking away

"And you need to realise how fucking lucky you are" she said

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes walking up the staircase

So Malia.... didn't really show her character much in this chapter but there's still much more to come.

3rd update of the day, I don't know I kind of want a lot up so if people decide to read it they will actually have something to read.

Thank You
.L x

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