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"So he's paying for you's to go to Australia"Malia questioned me

"Basically yeah, I offered to help pay but he refused" I shrugged as my phone went off "oh it's Harry with the deatails"

"Spill spill" Malia squealed

"Right it says 'We are going to Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. Our flight is at 8am 11/2/17 and we will be there until the 21st which we will then get on a flight at 11pm that night. Bring summer clothing love ya lots xoxo"

"That's in 2 days you basically have tomorrow to go out shopping and pack" Malia screamed "Harry Styles is taking you to the Gold Coast"

"Chill" I laughed at her

"Sorry" she replied

"What about this one" Malia held up a black bikini it was high waisted bottoms with cut outs with a basic but gorgeous top

"Stunning" I smiled and threw it in my basket

"Right so you have 8 bikinis now, will that be enough"

"I think so Malia" I laughed at her

"Right then we are done" she cheered as we went to the checkout

I placed the bikinis, shorts, dresses, playsuits and tops onto the counter, the cashiers eyes widened before she laughed "last minute holiday shopping"

"Yep" I laughed back

"Where's he taking you?" She asked as I looked at her confused "harry"

"Australia" I spoke slowly still confused as to why she was asking

"Must be nice" she scoffed

I faked a smile before slowly getting my bad and leaving the store "what was her problem" Mal asked

"No idea" I shrugged

"Lets just forget about it" she smiled "right shopping done, now time for nails and tan"

"Malia I already have a tan, joys of having a Spanish background father" I moaned

"We have more of a olive tan, you need a golden tan for holidays just for a base so your not all pale on the Australian beaches"

I rolled my eyes as I got into my new car and drove to the beauty Salon "appointment for Sandovël" I smiled at the beautician

"Yeah, there's a sun bed ready for you just go through and tell Kelly your hear then come out and we will get straight on with your nails"

The 20 minutes I spent on the sun beds felt like a life time and I couldn't wait to get out of the warm stuffy air and into the more fresh air

Malia was sat getting her nails painted "coffin" she smiled holding up her acrylics

"I'll have the same please" I told the beautician

After a long time spent there we were finally on our way home, it was 5pm and I still had to pack all the stuff I bought today and have a shower and everything

I pulled my Ted Baker suitcase out and started refolding all the clothes before putting them back in "remember the red, flowwy dress" malia shouted through

I reached inside my wardrobe before pulling it out, I had never worn it and it would be the perfect time to

"Right check list, clothes from today"Malia started
"Perfume, body spray and deodorant"
"All in baby"
"Going in tomorrow"
"Pill, not due"
"Shoes, bags and sunglasses"
"All in, sunglasses are going in my carry on"

"Well done little sister" she smiled before hugging me "now get in the shower you need an early night"

We landed in Australia 6pm the following day, we spent the plane ride messing around and watching many episodes of different Netflix series due to Harry's plane having Wifi

"It's so hot" I fanned myself as we got out of the private plane

"It's stunning" Harry's eyes widened at the view

We weren't tired because it was like 7am back home and we had slept lots on the plane, apparently it's when you get back that the jet lag kicks in but I suppose it's different for everyone

We got out the Airport quite quickly because of how many people were there screaming Harry's name and how many paparazzi there was

"This is going to look so bad" Harry laughed

"What do you mean?" I nervously laughed

"Well I've landed in Australia with just you like 2 days before Valentine's Day" he laughed as we got into our hire car

"Oh" I said trying to sound like didn't I care and that actually I wasn't offended which I massively was "wouldn't be like that if you were with some famous model"

"You just mumbled under your breath" Harry questioned me

"Not important" I smiled "just drive, I can't wait to see this amazing Apartment that you've bragged about all day"

We arrived at a Building which was litterally right next to the beach, a lot of lit up buildings, and the famous Q1 building

"This view is going to be amazing" I squealed getting out the car, quickly grabbing my bags out the boot

"God slow down" Harry laughed at me

"I'm just so excited"

We signed into the hotel, our room was amazing it was literally more like a pent house. It had two giant rooms which had their own bathrooms and balconies, a giant open living room which had a dining table and very modern marble white kitchen attached to the end of it which was all open and had a balcony at the other end of it

"This is stunning" I smiled widely looking at all the earthy colours it was decorated with

"Isn't it, this is your room" Harry smiled leading me into a white and grey bedroom with a white and black bathroom

I was quite bummed about not sharing a room with Harry but we will have to see what happens eyyyyy

I put all my stuff away in the mirrored wardrobe before changing out of my leggings and into a Swing playsuit before going out onto the balcony, I was right the view was amazing. You could see the Blue sea beach as well as a lot of palm trees and a family of elegant skyscrapers and smaller buildings

"You should see it at night" Harry said behind me

"I googled it on the way here" I laughed

"Stunning isn't it"

"Very, thank you sooo much for bringing me here" I smiled lightly hugging him "so what we doing tonight"

"I was thinking meal and then there's a room I haven't showed you yet" he said walking back into my room

"Wew, it is 50 Shades shit" I laughed

"Madison!" He laughed "your obsessed with that film"

"Yeah and we are missing number two because we are here" I sulked

"I'm sure there's a cinema somewhere" he laughed "and no the room is far from the red room"

"Bummer" I poured as he laughed at me

Life has never been more perfect

Harry Styles should have been Mr Grey like fuck me sideways i would watch it on repeat for the rest of my life

I literally love Felicite Tomlinson with all my heart she is my favourite (hence why I added her into my other fanfic) and I'm am totally amazed and happy for her weight loss as it's making her so happy but I can't help but think of how it's starting to look a bit unhealthy😕 I don't know it's not really my business but as long as she's happy and healthy it's all that matters, I love all of Louis' Siblings and also respect them so much for how strong they continue to be since there mum passed.

Thank you
.L x

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