t w e n t y e i g h t

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I woke up in the bed me and Harry shared in the apartment the only thing was he wasn't lying next to me. I sat up holding the covers up to body that was only covered with my underwear, I looked over to the mirror to see that every bit of make up was taken of my face. Where on earth was Harry.

I held the necklace that hung around my neck, the one he gave me that night in Australia. That night seemed like a life time ago even though it was only a few month.

I took some PJs from my drawers throwing them on as well as some sliders before grabbing my phone and leaving the room. My head was sore and the sick feeling I had at the back of my throat made me feel shitty, what the fuck happened last night.

I entered the living room to see Harry sound asleep in the same clothes as last night, his laptop was open on the coffee table in front of where he was laying and his phone was resting on the chest. He looked like an angel

I walked over slowly sitting on the edge of the couch as I rubbed his arm gently, the smile on my face slowly left as my eyes came in contact with his computer screen. On the screen was several emails from Simon and his new management for his solo career

My fingers reached over to the laptop clicking on one of the emails "DONT!" A voice startled me like literally skeleton jumping out of my skin type of startled

"Whys everyone emailing you, is it about the album?" I smiled at him running my hands down his torso

He grabbed them harshly making me wince slightly due to the sudden pain I felt in my wrists from his tight grip, he didn't return the smile he just threw my hands away before standing up pacing back and forwards with an angry look on his face

This all reminded me of the night with the glass, the face and his actions it was all scaring me a bit. I waited for him to speak but he never did

"Harry?" I almost whispered

"Shut the fuck up" he said raising his voice slightly

"What's going on?" I asked backing into the sofa

He stopped in his tracks turning to me before speed walking up to me, it was honestly like something out of a horror movie.

"What's going on? Are you fucking stupid?" He literally screamed in my face "what's going on is my fucking alcoholic of a girlfriend is ruining my fucking life"

"Excuse me?" I laughed pushing his chest away from me before I stood up from the sofa

"You man! It was all perfect last night until you started drinking and I had to carry you out the club! There's paparazzi who give pictures to them stupid news people who make stories who make us look bad! Why don't you fucking get that?" He screamed leading to Louis stepping out his room joining us

"I do get that harry" I said much more calmly

"Then why did I have to carry you out the club last night because you were passed out and couldn't walk because you had been drinking, it's a joke Madison!" He continued to shout

"Hey mate just calm down yeah"Louis joined in standing next to me

I looked behind me to see that Esmae and Niall were now in the living room "yeah Harry calm down" Esmae said softly walking over to him

"Calm down, she is ruining my career all because of alcohol. I'm not letting alcohol ruin my life again"

"It's not going to Harry, I'm your life now it's going to be ok" I said walking over to him stroking his face

"No music is my life Madison, it was the one thing that helped me when I had to watch my dad beat up my mum over and over again, it was the thing that stopped me from becoming him" he shouted, it literally looked like he was going crazy

"Your reminding me of him right now" I said stepping back from him

"How dare you say that" he literally screamed so loud, one hand pushing on my shoulders the other tightly wrapped in my hair. It all happened so fast but I was now on the floor

"Harry!" Everyone screamed, a door slammed a looked round the see Malia and Liam running into the room followed by Lily who ran to my side

Harry looked at me, he looked more calm and almost scared. Never before had a man put his hands on me in a time of anger, Luke would always remove himself from the room if he ever felt violent in one of our arguments

He grabbed his phone before running out the apartment door "what the fuck just happened" Malia

"Simons threatening him saying that if this keeps happening he will be dropped from the record label killing all his chances with joining us in the reunion" Louis spoke looking up from Harry's computer which was still open

Everyone was now sitting around still shocked about what just happened "we heard him shout about his other management?" Lottie said cuddling into Tommie

"Yeah it's just the same really, actually no they are saying that their considering it as in like there's a good chance he's getting dropped unless they feel like being generous" Louis bit his lip

"I'm leaving, I'm sorry I just really want to be be at home and I don't really fancy being here when he gets back" I stood up

"I'll come with you"Malia said

"No I really just want to be alone" I fake smiled at her

"But-" she said before Liam stopped her

"We understand" he smiled holding Malia around the stomach

I walked away but there was still a conversation going on about me "just let her go, she needs some time alone. We only have a few days left before we can go and see her hopefully by that time she will be ok as well as Harry"Niall said as I closed the door to mine and Harry's room

I slid down it holding onto the necklace before letting all of my tears out... I was so selfish

I left the beach I had been sitting at for the past couple of hours, it was early so no one was really here. I was much calmer now and I couldn't help but feel bad about the situation.

I made my way back to the apartment feeling sick as I reached the door, Madison was right in that moment I was my dad and that killed me

I pushed open the apartment door to see everyone sitting around in the living room, everyone but Madison

"She's gone" Lily spoke flatly not daring to look at me

She's really left

Bit of drama because there hasn't been any yet I don't think, nah there hasn't oh apart from the time in Manchester with the whole "Awh yeah I've had loads of practice" Harry but this is more dramatic

I know some people don't like this but sometimes writers have to stop thinking about the psychological audience side of writing and think about the personal psychological side.

.L x

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