t w e n t y t h r e e

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"You haven't spoke to me the whole way back" Harry said as we pulled up outside my house

My parents cars were not their but mine and Malias were, it had been such an awkward morning and I only had myself to blame.

"I just don't feel very well"I bluntly replied back

Since waking up I had probably only said 2 things to Harry which were "I want to go straight home" and "no I don't want a McDonald's breakfast"

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes

I got out the car grabbing my bags from the back, last night was meant to be amazing and the best night we've ever had but he had to go and open his mouth, I mean what girl wants to hear that

He followed me up to my door, I silently hoped he would go away once I was inside but no for a fact he followed me indoors and all the way up to my room

"What the fuck Harry?"I shrugged

"What the fuck Maddison?" He shrugged back as I bit my lip and looked away

"Just get out" I shook my head and turned my back

"No"he sort of laughed and crossed his arms

"Get out!" I raised my voice

"No Maddie"

"Harry GET THE FUCK OUT!" I shouted as loud as I could

"What have I done?" He asked placing a hand on my shoulder

"Please" I whispered through my tears

"No, I won't go because your upset and I'm not leaving you when your like this. I have walked out on people in the past when they have told me to get out and I regret it, it's the worst thing possible so no I won't get out I'm not doing that to you" he spun me around and pulled me into his arms

I fell to the floor and he slowly came down after me and we just sat on the floor, him holding me as I cried into his chest

"You only have to tell me what's wrong if you want to, I'm not going to make you" he whispered

I wanted to tell him so bad because it was him that had me in this state but it's also him that I'm sharing this amazing moment with and I don't want to ruin that

"I heard you and Harry earlier" Malia walked into the kitchen about 10 minutes after he had left "you going to tell me what happened"

"Well it happened... and half way through he just came out with 'I've had plenty off experience' like yep I love hearing that the first time I have sex with someone. I don't know I guess it made me feel quite sick"

"Oh, what did he say when you told him" she asked sitting on the other stool

"I didn't tell him, I didn't know how too like I was quite petty and he was so nice it just felt wrong so I think I'm just going to leave it"

"You know that sometimes it's better to talk to people instead of pushing them away" she pouted at me

"I really don't need one of your speeches right now Malia" I rolled my eyes at her walking over to the freezer taking out some frozen berries for the smoothie I was about to make

"Right but I just think it would help if you actually spoke to-" she started before I cut her off by turning the blender on

"SORRY, I CAN'T HEAR YOU" I shouted over the noise of the blender, she glared at me before rolling her eyes and made her way out the kitchen

I laughed turning the blender off pouring the liquid into one of my pretty cups, I always found that if I put healthy things into pretty cups I drink them for example water turns out I now love drinking it because it's in a pretty tumblr cup

"Done being petty for the second time today?" Malia said as I walked into the living room

"MALIAAAA!" I moaned slouching down next to her

"Fine I'll stop" she laughed

We turned The Kardashians on, it was kind of a guilty pleasure of ours but I must admit I miss the episodes where Kendall and Kylie were younger

"Do you think mum would let us get a pig?"I looked up at Malia

"Definitely not" she laughed

"True" I pouted "what about a dog?"

"We've got you" she smirked at me

"You always bully me" I sat up from her lap crossing my arms

"It's my job, your my little sister" she winked at me throwing her arm around me

Awh cute, I wish I was this close to my older sister but all she seems to care about is clothes and how blended her eye shadow is like honestly if I hear her scream the house down about her lash not going on one more time I will literally burn all of them.

Thank you!
.L x

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