t h r e e

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I walked into the guest room to the smell of strong perfume, it's my mums favourite. Black Opium if I remember correctly.

I smiled to myself seeing the lipstick stained glass that Madison used last night and also at the fact that she didn't make the bed

I liked Madison because she understood that I was just a normal person and she also treat me like that

Niall arrived at my house around ten minutes ago and was currently playing Fifa with himself
"Niall do you remember the girl of last night" I asked him

"Yeah she was stunning" he laughed "and very drunk"

"Her names Madison, if you want to know what she smells like go upstairs in the guest room because wow her great grandkids will still be able to smell it when their nearly dead" I don't know why I made that remark I kind of just wanted to show off that she stayed over

"Ah yeah she stayed didn't she" he took his eyes away from the TV

"Yeah, she's not really a fan which is a good thing obviously" I smiled

"Really! I mean I love our fans right but them ones who literally act crazy like nah mate" he shook his head laughing

"She's called Madison Sandovël" Liam said walking into the room

"How do you know" I laughed at him

"From a small story which is going around twitter, if she hated us to begin with she's going to fucking despise us now" he bit his lip sending me the story

1D boys were seen leaving a club in London with mysterious girl who fans are saying goes by the name of Madison Sandovël , some are even saying that there's proof of having a boyfriend on the girls Instagram.

An anonymous source said that the girl got into a taxi with all 4 boys and even stayed at one of their houses, our first guess is Harry. Well well well Madison, bet this isn't going to go down well with lover boy.

I let out a long sigh before forwarding the story to Madison followed by a text saying that everything is going to be ok and that she has to trust me


"Oh My God!"I gasped before letting go of my phone leaving it to fall onto the carpet

Malia picked it up before skimming over the words "yeah mad, your fucked" she bit her lip

"Yeah thank you, kind of know that. Why is it so gossip girl like seriously"

"Yeah I agree, should of added on the end that your in a relationship with a Nate Archibald when you could be with a Chuck Bass"

I laughed at my sister "hey Nate was fucking an older woman who had a husband, chuck was just going with any girl"

"Yeah and that woman was fucking her husbands son, and he was also fucking his best friends sister and best friend but that's irrelevant" she said confusing herself a little "what I'm trying to say is if I had to choose between Nate and Chuck, Luke being Nate and Chuck being Harry, I would choose Chuck" she shrugged

"We are so off topic right now, what are we going to do about this" I pointed at my phone

"Do what Harry says and trust him while he deals with it" she said sitting down

I threw my head in my hands "I need to go to his house"

"Steady" Malia laughed

"No Malia this is serious, mum, dad and Luke are going to kill me"

"Fuck them" she laughed

It was weird seeing my sister like this, she is the good one out of us too and always has been, she was the model child and seeing her swearing and joking around it's just foreign to me

"You know Chuck got Blair in the end" she said as I stood up

"Malia will you stop with the gossip girl references" I shouted leaving the room

"Could be worse you could of got a Dan Humphrey" she laughed behind me

"MALIA" I shouted before listening to her laughs behind me

I redone my make up a bit more natural than last night and brushed through my curls making them go into waves before throwing on a pair off black leggings, a white t shirt and my timberlands with a denim jacket

"Who said you were coming" I asked malia who was stood at the door fully glammed

"Me, now hurry up and get in the car" she laughed

"Left here and then follow the road until you see black gates"I instructed her as she wouldn't let me drive and we only had one car between us since I crashed mine about 2 weeks ago

"All jokes a side now Madison, you really shouldn't have got drunk. I've warned you so many times about going out, it's just going to mess your 5 YEAR relationship up"

"I miss fun Malia bring her back" I rolled my eyes

What was I doing just showing up at Harry's house I have no clue but I know he will understand

"What are you doing here" Harry asked after opening the door

"You have explaining to do" I barged past Harry "Oh great you's are all here"

I entered the living room to see all the boys which made me even more pissed but at least malia looked happy

"How the fuck do they know" i shouted at Harry

"It's their job to know our life, they haven't had a story on us for ages" Harry shrugged

"Your acting like nothing's happened"i shouted

"Madison just calm down" Malia said

"Malia will you just keep out of it, your not the one with the boyfriend that will kill you if he finds out"i sat down throwing my head in my hands

"Us and Harry are trying our hardest to get rid of it" Liam reassured me or at least tried to

"It's going to be to late" I was so stressed right now

"We can ring Simon and he can put us through to another company" Louis suggested

"Whatever" I sighed

The phone rang a few times "I expected a phone call whose the girl" a voice said through the phone

Im on the phone to Simon Cowell while sitting in Harry's house with the rest of one direction what has my life became?

"I'm Madison" I huffed

"We can take it down but people will still know about it, I done some research and found the girl, I know who she is, lawyer parents and sister we used her parents a few months back for another artist who went against my rules they are no longer signed to my label, your lucky your making me money" he laughed "I'm in london right now I will get a car to pick the 5 of you up"simon said

"6 her sisters here too" Harry laughed

This needs to get cleared up and fast

I miss gossip girl, in fact I miss it that much I'm rewatching the whole thing on Netflix, awh thank fuck for Netflix.

Thank You
.L x

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