t w e n t y f o u r

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"This pizza is amazing" Lottie smiled as the took the biggest bite into her slice

"Isn't it" Esmae agreed

"Why is our life so boring, like honestly I don't think anyone of us, well except lily cos she's just a Fucking alcoholic, has been out in forever" Niall moaned

"I'm getting better" lily defended herself

We (being me, Harry, Malia, Liam, lily, Niall, Esmae, Louis,Charlotte and charlottes boyfriend Tommie) were all sitting in my kitchen. Me and Harry made up and acted as if nothing happened which i was glad about and we had all been spending loads of time with each other a lot, me and malia had even been watching Louis' siblings while charlottes been at work and Louis had been on his many dates with esmae

"Why don't we not go on holiday" Louis suggested

"Oh let's go to Malia" Malia winked at us

"That's a first you used to kick off with anyone who pronounced your name like that, she used to kick off and be like 'Ergh it's Ma-leeyah not Ma-lee-a" I wound her up

"I was thinking more somewhere like Kavos or something along the lines of that" Louis laughed

"Oh my god let's do it, should we just go to the travel agency now and book it, it's only 2pm" Harry said, we all agreed as well as also laughing at how stupid we were just going to book a holiday which we had just thought off

Everyone left me and malia to get changed as they needed to go and get there bank cards and passports and all the other things you need when booking a holiday.

We all met at the travel agency and a polite woman called Jennifer helped us plan it all out. 2 hours later and everything was booked, our flights, our amazingggg private villa as well as other stuff we wanted to go between us.

We all agreed that we would split the final price between the 10 of us and that jennifer would open all of us a tab so we could just pay it off whenever

"Next month Kavos " Harry grabbed my waist and squeezed it as we walked out of the agency

"I'm so excited" I spun round and kissed his noes lightly

"I really think the night before we go we should have another sleep over like the one we had the night we went for that meal" malia suggested

We were now sitting in Nando's, lotties choice obviously I mean when is she ever away from this place. Daisy and Phoebe were telling me that if she's watching them she won't cook she will just take them there

"Omg yessss" I agreed with my sister

We had been getting on so well lately, she had stopped doing law with my parents and instead worked from home and dealt with the family company's money aswell as the flights and meetings for my parents and others who work within the company which I help her with

"Isn't it amazing how this time next month we will be in Greece and drinking cocktails on the beach and well just drinking loads in general" I smiled

"I'm just excited to see you in a swimsuit again" Harry winked at me as he squeezed my thigh

I smirked back at him before kissing him lightly "ew not at the table" lily twisted her face

She had come a long way since being with everyone, Niall had helped a lot too. I can tell she really likes him and he likes her but he's said that she has to change her ways if she wants anything to happen which I think is totally fair because lily is an amazing person but it's just her drinking and how she acts when she's drinking what is really bad

We had all finished our Nando's, it was currently around half 5ish so we decided to pop round the shops and pick up a few things for holiday as well as a few other things we needed for now

"Omg I love holiday shopping" esmae said as she picked up a few pairs of sandals so she could decide which ones she likes best

"The nudes ones" Louis said as he came up behind her giving her a small fright "the boys are being annoying and immature outside so I came in here"

"Awh did a Little baby just want to come see his favourite sister" Lottie pouted at him as she squeezed his cheeks

"Fuck off lot" he laughed pushing her shoulder softly

"I agree with Louis the nude ones are better than the khaki ones plus they will go better with everything"malia said

"Nude ones it is then" she laughed

"God finally you's are done" Liam rolled his eyes as the rest of the boys sighed in relief

"This is why I don't go shopping with Lottie because she takes the piss"tommie winked at her

"Do you want me going on holiday like a tramp because my outfits don't match because I was rushing buying them" she rolled her eyes before taking a sip of her drink

We all got back to our cars, I waved bye to everyone and kissed Harry after telling him I would text him when I get home before joining malia in her car

"I cannot believe we have just planned a holiday the same day we thought of it, our parents are going to go mad" she laughed

"Oh well, fuck them just cos they have a boring life full of work doesn't mean we have too" I replied as we drove off

Imagine having this life, honestly that is my goal in life from now on too be able to think of a holiday and book it the same day for the month after

.L x

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