t h i r t e e n

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I sat jiggling my leg and biting my lip, I know that Liam has told Malia everything and I'm not looking forward to the talk she's going to give me

I heard the door open and the sound of her heels and suitcases along the wood flooring, she entered the kitchen and looked at me with wide eyes

"Madison Isla Sandovël what the fuck do you think your playing at" she shouted

"1 week with mum and your already turning back into her" I rolled my eyes

"No, I think that any big sister would wonder why your out getting drunk and sleeping with random boys" she shouted louder but it wasn't intimidating because her voice was naturally so soft

"Oh my god! It's my fucking life why can't you and Harry just understand that and leave me the fuck alone. Just because your all good and licky arse doesn't mean I have to be"

"Madison, since you've met Harry you've been a different person. You've been a person I actually like and then I go away and your back to your old self again" she said her voice normal with no emotion at all

"Don't even talk about him" I rolled my eyes

"Liam told me, it wouldn't have happened if you didn't get to drunk" she shook her head

"Stop it, stop trying to make it out like he's the good person. Maybe if he wasn't so over protective and didn't have mad anger issues then it wouldn't have happened" I defended myself

"Madison your 21 you need to stop acting like Lily and actually get your life together." I said before walking away and shouting a big fuck you back to her

"Hey Madison" Lily said down the phone

"Lil, I'm in serious shit" I moaned

"Starbucks? 10 minutes" she suggested

"I'll be there" I replied before hanging up and running upstairs

I pulled my black jeans on along with my white v neck t-shirt tucking the front in and throwing on my black bomber before running into Malias perfect room

"I need the car I'm going to Starbucks" I spoke flatly

She didn't say anything she just threw the keys at me and continued to put the clothes away "do you want anything brought back" I bit my lip but she just shook her head

I got into the car and started driving to Starbucks, the drive was about 7 minutes but I guess I could use that time to think

I Parked up outside and made my way to the table where Lily was sitting at which had both of our drinks on it

"What's up" she asked

"Malias going totally wild about me getting drunk and fucking that boy and then the thing with the glass" I threw my head in my hands

"You can tell she's been with your mum" she rolled her eyes

"Exactly what I said"I laughed

"The boy was cute though" she laughed at me

She was stunning like honestly I would never imagine her to be the way she is, her personality I mean. She is so wild and outgoing

"Hey remember that time when you first came here and you were literally such a swat and you came into the class with the most stupid sweatshirt on with all the dogs on it" she laughed

"And on that night we went to the beach for the campfire party but you made me wear this awful dress which didn't even fit like I'm sure it was age 5 or something" I laughed with her

"That was the night you got drunk and kissed a boy for the first time" she smiled

"My mum nearly killed me when I went home, if it wasn't for Malia I would have been disowned" I laughed sipping my iced coffee

"Ahhhhh! What it was like to be 15. We didn't care that our hair wasn't perfect or our blue eye shadow wasn't blended and our glitter eye liner didn't make the perfect wing"

I smiled at the memories, the days I used to go to Lily's in some awful outfit my mum made me wear and for her to have a bottle of blue WKD and a small dress there waiting for me, the days where I didn't have to worry about Malia hating me because she was the same as me and Lily were, the days where I was generally happy before adulthood got in the way

I looked around to see a group of girls sitting at a table close by, the most latest IPhone in their hand, sipping some low fat coffee which you could see they weren't enjoying, their make up perfect as they sat there with dull faces talking about how a boy has had sex with some slut just after them

It made me appreciate my childhood a lot more, it also made me jealous of there contouring skills but that's irrelevant

I looked at Lily and smiled, Malia and almost everyone might not like her but she's the reason I have the best memories

Trip down memory lane, I literally 100% agree that you should live the yolo life when your young as long as it won't get you locked up of course. Go to the beach and drink cheap alcohol with your friends, do things that's your scared to do because your young and the stories you make today are the stories you will tell your children and grandchildren. Most of all tell your parents/ guardians how much you love them because one day they are not going to be there, make up with the people you've had arguments with because one day they will not be here either and most importantly only speak the words that you would want to be your last.

Remember that what seems bad now won't be bad in the future when your making millions and driving round in the most stylish car, do what the haters don't want you to do because that's the only way your going to succeed in life. Negative people hate to see positive things so do good and feel even better when they are crying at your success. You are so worth it.

Thank You
.L x

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