t w e n t y f i v e

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"10 hours till we leave for Kavos babbyyyy" Harry shouted as he skipped into my room

"10 hours and 15 minutes actually, your early" I laughed at him, it was currently 6:45 and malia was on her way to pick up Esmae, Tommie, Lottie and lily

"Exactly that means we can have a quicky before everyone returns" he winked at me

"Harry everytime we have sex it's a quicky with your stamina" I said biting my lip smirking at him ready for the strop he's about it go in

"God ouch, and to think I was going to give you my penis" he acted upset while holding his heart

"I honestly don't even know why I'm with you" I shook my head at him before zipping up my suitcase and standing up

He sat on the edge off my bed looking up at me with the puppy eyes and a pout, he was honestly the most amazing person ever I felt bad for anyone who didn't know him

"I can't believe you've just left me like this" he gasped

"You my darl are an absolute freak and I swear you are actually more of a child than my 6 year old cousin"

The door bell rang "god I'm literally saved by the bell, can't be dealing with this bullying"

I ran down the stairs after him, laughing when he tripped over his suitcase and fell flat on his face

"Why is Harry on the floor?" Liam asked

"Domestic relationship"Harry shouted

"Fuck off styles" I laughed as I jumped on top of him and started tickling his sides

Everyone placed their suitcases into the 2nd living room before making there way into the main living room.

"Don't know about you's but I'm starving" Niall huffed

"Niall you've literally just fucking ate the full of my chocolate draw" Louis laughed as he wrapped his arms around Esmae tightly

"Are yous like official yet" I asked them both

"We've talked about it and like what the relationship would consist of and our feelings towards each other but we've both agreed we want to wait before taking things any further" Esmae smiled

"Yous are taking things very very slow" Harry said

"Right right harry not all of us are like you, we don't all just take people on holiday and magically have a Girlfriend" Liam replied to him, leaving me a bit shocked and confused to what that meant

"What's that supposed to mean"

"Does it really matter, I agree I want food" Malia changed the subject

"Well no, is that what yous think that I'm only with harry because he took me on holiday" I laughed

"No of course not, it came out wrong" Liam reassured me

"Right let's just order food, Madison you and Haz can go get the drink out the fridge and we will all come into the dining room" Charlotte said standing up as tommie followed her

"That pissed me of a bit" I nervously laughed as me and harry got into the kitchen

"Just relax and forget out it babe, all that matters is that you know I love you and that I know that you love me" he smiled placing a light kiss on my lips

I wrapped my arms round him looking at our reflection in the window and smiling at how perfect it was

We placed the bottles of wine and beer on the table along with a few glasses and plates ready for the dominos arriving

"I'm actually so excited for this holiday you know"lily clapped her hands softly

"Oooo I know like all the beaches and cocktails"Malia basically drooled

"I bought some water pistols for us to play with in the villa"Tommie informed us

"I know we need to go shopping when we get there and get some fun pool things and food and all that stuff" Niall said

"This is why I hate staying in a private villa and not a hotel because it's basically like running another house" I rolled my eyes

We decided to pair up for rooms and it's basically is couples even though there's only me and Harry together, then malia and Liam and Lottie and tommie meanwhile Niall and lily and Esmae and Louis are being very very awkward and fussy

We ate the food and drank all the alcohol leaving us to be quite tipsy, we were all currently sitting in my room laughing and carrying on

We decided to just sleep in the spare bedrooms instead of having to carry the matrices back and forth

Niall had now been in the toilet for a good strong 6 minutes now leaving us all confused until he finally showed up at the doorway in one of my bikinis I had forgot to pack and left in the bathroom while trying it on

All of us grabbed our phones out and videoed him as he pranced around my room in a tiny bit of material

"See Niall this is why your single" Lily shouted

"Shhhh babe you love it, just so jealous I look better in a bikini than you do"

"So not true" they argued

"Prove it" he winked at her as the rest of us just sat in silence smirking at them

"Will tonight" she smirked back at him adding a wink on the end

"Oooooo" he laughed throwing his arms round her waist

"Is that the only top you wear" harry asked me referring to his one he gave to me the night we met

"It's my favourite one, it's got the best memories"I looked up at him

"Cute" he grinned at me

"Strongly believe we should go to sleep now, it's nearly 12 and we need to leave here at 5 so we are at the airport at 6 so we can bored by 7" Louis suggested and we all agreed

Everyone left my room leaving me and Harry alone in my bed in the darkness, nothing happened we just lay there spooning if you may and it was honestly perfect

"Next stop Kavos baby" he whispered in my ear

"Night Harry" I chuckled to myself before he placed a light kiss of my neck "Goodnight Beautiful"

.L x

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