t w e n t y

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I checked my phone for the time.

I have still yet to go to sleep, I'm incredibly tired but tonight was just playing on my mind

The kiss, the flirting, the way he picked me up and spun me around in the water, his drunk voice telling me how adorable I was.


The alcohol wore off a few hours after I got into my bed, leaving me to feel more empty and confused.

Due to this, I found myself moving towards Harry's room. My heart was racing, what was I doing? Madison what are you doing? Stop!

It was too late, I had already opened the door leading to Harry walking up and turning the lamp which stood on his bedside table on

"Madison what are you doing it's 3:30 in the morning" he asked rubbing his eyes, he looked so adorable

"I can't get to sleep" I shrugged

"You've been awake all this time" he laughed at me, his sleepy voice and laugh was the best

"Yeh" I breathed

"Get in" he shook his head laughing at me "you are literally like a kid"

I lay next to him, the space between us was about a metre. 5 minutes past and I was still lying awake until Harry rolled over and threw his arm around me, burying his face into my neck. Somehow that was enough to make me fall asleep with a massive smile on my face

The smell of pancakes woke me up, I looked beside me to see the bed was empty and that it was 10am

I smiled and got up grabbing my phone, I walked into the kitchen to see Harry making the pancakes

I took a photo and captioned it 'could get used to this more often' before adding a heart at the bottom of the screen and sending it to the girls and putting it on my story. I had got a lot of random adds lately which must have been off Harry's fans

"Morning" Harry winked

"Hi" I smiled before sitting at the counter

"They are yours, there's the Nutella and strawberries" Harry smiled placing a kiss on my cheek "and your orange Juice"

"Thank you" I smiled at him as he sat beside me "where did you get all this food from"

"I got someone to sort it out before we came" he explained "I booked our tickets for the amusement park today"

"Will you stop paying for everything" I rolled my eyes as he gave me a little laugh

"It's meant to be really hot today, so I would wear either a playsuit or some shorts"

"I know what to wear Harry" I laughed "but thank you"

"God I was only trying to help" he held his heart acting hurt

"I know I know thank you" I laughed walking over to him attempting to place a kiss on his cheek but he accidentally moved his head and my lips landed on his

Heat filled my face, what just happened? I need to get out of here!

I literally ran into my room and started on my make up keeping it natural and dewy before taking my hair on the braids leaving it in waves

I picked out my baby pink lace bralet out to wear under my white open back swing playsuit and my white converse

"Stunning as always"

"One day your going to walk in on me naked you know" I laughed at Harry

"I wouldn't mind that"

We got into the car and began to drive to the amusement park, it was so hot out and even worse in the car

"This heat is so hard to get used to" I fanned myself as Harry laughed

"You'll be fine"

I looked over and smiled at him, he had his sunglasses on and his eyes were fixed onto the road, his jaw was clenched showing his perfect jaw line

"What" he laughed making me head shoot forward "were you admiring my beauty"

"Yeah that's it Harry" I rolled my eyes as he let out a small chuckle
We got out the car and Harry put in a code which gave us our tickets, we then went over to the gates and swapped our tickets for wristbands

Harry got a few waves and smirkes off the girls, as the others took photos of us together, when I realised I turned my head down so my face wasn't on show

"Don't put your head down" Harry smiled at me before grabbing my hand and leading me into the park

The day was amazing, as was the park. Apart from the Disney parks it was one of my favourites, and the candy floss was to dieeeee for

Being with Harry made it 10x better though, he made me feel safe on the rides I wasn't too sure about and made me laugh on the ones that he wasn't too sure about

I love Hadison

.L x

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