t w e n t y s i x

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We landed in Kavos at half 10 in the morning and it look us agesss to get through all the customs then through the crowds of people who found out we were here thanks to Niall

It was currently 6 and all we had done since we got here is un packed and sat round the pool talking about what we wanted to do for the holiday but it was finally time to drag ourselves up and go shopping

We decided to hire a girls car and the boys got two cars to share basically due to the fact that the boys all agreed they wanted a fast sporty car and us girls decided we want a big Range Rover type car

"I have a feeling we arnt going to get the things we need" malia said as she began to drive off

"Yep, well we will but the lads are just going to buy loads of kids pool toys" I agreed "anyways lil, what happened last night"

A shade of red covered her face "I don't ask about your sexual experiences"

"Lily that's all you ask me" I laughed

"But that does mean you's had sex though" Lottie winked at her and Lily's face went even more red

"Ewwwww in my house" me and Malia said at the same time

"You slut" I gasped before laughing

"Does this mean you's are together" malia asked her

"I'm not allowed to say" she crossed her arms

We all burst out in screams "omg you's areee!!!"

"Fine fine, we've been together now for about just under 2 weeks" she huffed as the rest of us cheered "you's can't say anything we were going to tell you's tomorrow night or something"

"We won't, our lips are sealed, looks like I'm the only single one now" Esmae laughed

"And you've been on the most dates out of us all" I said

"Me and Niall went on a few just in secret"

"Me and Liam were the couple that just rushed into things, but I wouldn't change it for the world" Malia smiled

"Cuteeee" I said as I got out the car and walked over to the boys

"What have I done? Why are you's all looking at me like that?" Niall laughed nervously

"Girls" lily whispered as we all burst out laughing

"Nothing nothing let's just go" I smirked linking into Harry giving his a small squeeze

"What's going on" he whispered as i sat in the trolley

"Soz babe, top secret" I winked at him

The store was literally empty when we arrived like know one but the workers that were sat at the till "trolley race" Louis shouted as the rest of the girls sat in there trolley

"Right first one to reach the end of there isle, me and Lottie will go in isle five, Harry and mad you go in 6, Louis and esmae in 7, lily and Niall in 8 and then Liam and malia in 9" Tommie shouted

"Omg this is like a Spanish Asda" malia laughed

"Were in Greece" Liam laughed at her

"Oh yeah" she laughed

The workers noticed who we were and came over with there cameras and big smiles on our faces "on your marks, get set, go!" They shouted as the boys began to run

"Omg Harry run faster we are going to loose" I shouted looking round to him to see him laughing down at me

I turned back round to see a massive stand on toilet paper infront of us "harrryyy!!!" I shouted

He let go of the trolley, laughing loudly as I crashed into it "HARRY FUCKING EDWARD STYLES IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" I shouted as Loud as I could everyone came round the corner laughing at me

"I can't believe you just did that" one of the workers laughed as she helped me out the trolley

"I'm sorry I just had to, we will put it back up for you" Harry smiled

"WE!! erm no you will" I told him

"Awh no honestly it's fine it's the stuck up Bitch that is in charge of stuff like this so best call her over" another worked laughed at us

We stood for another 5-10 minutes talking to them and getting pictures of them before continuing with our shopping

At the end 3 of our trolleys were stacked with food and drink and alottt of alcohol and the other two were filled with stupid pool toys and things like after sun and other little things we either didn't pack or forgot to

We got back to our villa and it was now dark "best shopping trip everrr" Lottie smiled

"I know, I normally hate shopping but you's made that good" Liam agreed

"I can tell this is going to be one of the best holidays ever" I said as the rest agrees with me

Short and sweet

.L x

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