t w e n t y o n e

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So far this had been the best trip by far, it had only been 2 days but I've had the most fun ever. Today was Valentine's Day and I hadn't said the words to Madison once nor has she said them to me

This morning we went snorkelling and went to swim with the dolphins, her immaturity shone threw so much but in a way I loved it and as did everyone around us, she was just an amazing person to be around

This was the reason I was currently in my room at 6:43pm ironing my shirt and ready to take her for a Beautiful meal before a walk along the fairy light lit up beach

The weather was the coolest it's been since we came here and what was even better was the sun wasn't going to set until 9:30ish so what I was about to do was going to be perfect

I looked out my balcony to see Madison standing on hers in an amazing but simple gown, her hair was in loose but voluminous curls and from what I could see her make up was bronzy with copper and brown eyes and a red lip which matched her dress

She looked amazing as always, I honestly never thought I would ever meet someone who every time I looked at I saw my future. I loved the feeling, but in the end it was always overpowered with the thought of her not feeling the same and leaving me

I get made out to be a person I'm not, it comes with the job. I can admit that before I met Madison I could never settle down with anyone, I did want to have a lot of sex, I drank a lot, I was a nightmare but from what I could gather she was exactly the same

I grew up in a house where my dad left my mum with 2 children to deal with by herself, I'd
always swore I would never be the man that he was, a drunken low life with nothing, but thinking now I was exactly like he was and if it wasn't for my mum making me go to that audition and share the only thing that would help me when I was reflecting the image of my father then I know that right now I would be exactly what he was, but worst of all I wouldn't have been in London and I wouldn't have met the girl that's been able to change my life, I just hope I can do the same to her.

It was coming up to 7pm now and it was time to leave for the evening meal, it was a random restaurant which I had found on google but it looked amazing and the reviews were just as good

We sat at our table, she had been quiet all the way here, but she didn't look sad or anything so I just left it

"You know loads about me, how about you tell me about you"

"What do you want to know?" I asked her

"Everything" she replied adding a small smile

"Well I started signing when I was younger but I never really told anyone, I wouldn't mostly do it when people were out the house because I thought I would get laughed at, it was my mum who made me go to the audition because she wanted something good for me but I new I wouldn't get far by myself so I'm glad I met the boys"

"What about your family you never talk about them" she asked sipping her drink

"There's not much to tell really?"I half smiled trying to avoid the question, I new her family wasn't perfect either but in a way I was like her mum I liked to keep mine like it was perfect

"Come on Harry" she almost begged

" I grew up in a beautiful home with my mum and sister, my dad walked out on us when I was 9, I guess he was an alcoholic and would always say that we were constantly in his way; he was always very verbally abusive to my mum and when he left she found it really hard my sister turned into one of the most wreckless teen ever, a bit like you were actually, and for me well I guess I turned into the mini version of him" I shrugged

"What do you mean, mini version of him?" She asked, she placed her drink on the table and sat back in her chair. I had never seen her so intrigued

"When I was 13 I finally realised what was going on, my mother always told me he was away on a long work trip because there's something really wrong but then One day i woke up and remembered what he was like as a person and how I would constantly hear the smashing off glass bottles and the smell off beer every time I was near him. I was so annoyed at my mum for lying to me and I turned into a boy that would spend his £5 a week of his grandma on cheep spirits and join the year 10 and 11 boys and drink down the beach and when I come home smash everything" I breathed shocked at how much information I gave away

Her silence was deadly "Madison you can never say a thing about that side of me or what I used to be, I'm nothing like that now and not the boys know about that and Simon paid anyone who new what I was back then a lot of money to keep them quiet"

"I'm hurt you would think I would tell anyone" she smiled "we all had our teen outbursts, it's just a shame that some off ours still go on"

I could sense that she was talking about herself, I honestly just wanted to fix her. Madison wasn't broken but you could tell that something wasn't right with her and honestly I think it was mostly jealousy of Malias and her mothers relationship.


The meal was amazing and yet again Harry wouldn't let me pay, I learnt a lot about Harry it was shocking but I don't love him any less then I did before

When we left the restaurant we didn't go to the car but instead Harry took me towards a small beach, the sun was low and it was almost ready to turn dark

" this is stunning Harry" I smiled looking round to the wood beams that were covered in fairy lights and waves that crashed lightly on the golden sand

"Great" Harry breathed he was so nervous which was actually quite funny

I went to go walk before a hand pulled my arm and turned me around to Harry "Madison, you've honestly changed my life and I don't know what I would have done if I didn't meet you that night. Normally I would have done what people would have expected me to do when I took Girls back to my house but when I took you up to bed I didn't want that, I wanted what I see every time I look at you... a future. I love you so much and it's not just because of how stunning you are but more because you have been able to change me for the better and also because of your amazing personality. It Is them reasons and many more which it why I'm asking you to be my girlfriend" he asked me before reaching in his pocket and taking out a box before opening it to show a silver locket with 'M&H'engraved into it with our birth stones on either side

I was breathless and shocked but over all I was massively overwhelmed "of course I will Harry" I cheered before jumping into his arms and kissing him as he spun me round

Once he placed me on the ground he took the locket out of the box and placed it around my neck "erm Harry it doesn't open" I laughed slightly

"Does it not" he gasped but I was almost like he was acting "oh you need a key"

"So where's the key"

"Honestly I have no idea"

"Fuck the key, this night was the best night I could of ever hoped for. I love you Harry"

.L x

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