Chapter 3

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Faye's POV

I was bouncing as this Miles guy carried me through the forest. My shoulder was throbbing and the movement wasn't helping. The heat of where Miles skin touch mine drew my mind from the pain. We were surrounded by many people, they looked strong as Hell.

I bet one of them can pick up a car.

"I can walk you know." I stated.

"And you can run too, but I don't feel like chasing you again." I rolled my eyes.

"Ugh, can you blame me?!?!" I yelled. "You kidnapped me from my best friend, in my backyard!"

"Running won't help." Miles spoke.

"The hell it won't! I just got stabbed in the fucking arm!" I screamed. "I need medical attention!"

"First of all, that wasn't us. That was the leech, and we are almost there." I pushed against his chest and fought hard to make him drop me. I folded my arms and huffed.

"You're a douche." I stated. I looked ahead and saw a ginormous mansion. It's cobblestone walls had ivy climbing up and the windows were large letting natural light in. Miles carried me through two large oak wood doors. The floor was a shining tile. A large rug sat in front of a large gray couch. A fireplace faced the couch. The black tile around it gave it an old homey feeling. Around all the walls, shelves were filled with beautiful glass vases with intricate designs.

I was placed on the couch, my left hand was lifted up by Miles as he moved it to hold the piece of cloth.

"Stay right here, I have men at every exit. I'm going to get a Doctor. Do. Not. Move." With that Miles walked out of the room. I looked around. I could hear his voice repeating in my head, except it was different.

Do. Move.

I dropped the cloth to the floor, deciding to look around. I got up and walked over to the nearest shelf. I could see my reflection in the spotless glass vase. Flowers of many colors were all over it. I picked up the vase, looking at it closely. I remember what he said to me as I called for Diana.

"Don't worry, you won't see her again. Just forget about it." I glared at him.

I glared at the vase, my anger filling me.

I won't forget about her. The Hell I will.

With that I smashed the vase to the floor.

Diana's POV

I blinked, my eyelids were heavy. Opening one eye I could just make out the scene before me. I was laying in a large bad, under heavy, warm blankets. The bed was pushed to the middle of the back wall. There was an open window to the left and the door leading into the hall was in the far right corner. With both eyes open, I realized I wasn't alone in the bedroom. Sitting cross-legged on the other side of the bed was Arthur. He was facing me, I was laying on my back with my head just out of the covers.

"I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever wake up. You've been asleep for quite awhile." Arthur cocked his head to the side and regarded me as if I were some sort of prey. I just stared, emotionless, into his ice cold eyes. His mouth drew down in a sort of frown. I don't think he likes being ignored.

My head started swimming again, my eyes couldn't seem to stay open.

"Are you going to faint again? Diana?" Arthur leaned down, closer. I opened my mouth, but just coughed. Beads of sweat rolled down my head, I was burning up under these cover. Arthur noticed my sweat covered forehead and reach out his hand towards me. My eyes widened, scared of his intentions. He stopped his movements and looked away, suddenly aggravated.

"I am not going to harm you, Diana. I'm going to feel your head now. Is that alright?" He sounded as if he were talking to a child.

I didn't protest, so he took my answer as yes. His hand slowly came to rest on my head. His touch was cold, it brought relief to the heat. My eyes dropped closed, and I felt somewhat cooler.

"Your body heat has risen to a dangerous level. I fear if it doesn't go down, your condition will worsen." Arthur threw the covers off and they landed on the floor. Cool air hit my body and I gasped. I was still in my clothes from earlier, except my shoes had gone who knows where. Arthur stood up from the bed and ripped his shirt over his head, exposing his pale yet, perfect skin. His chest was broad and he had a lean build, like an athlete.

I moved farther away from him, to the edge of the bed, unsure of what was about to happen.

"Diana, I need you to understand. My body is naturally cold, so I am going to try and bring your temperature down by skin on skin contact." He sounded like some sort of doctor, wanting his patient to do as he said. No I am not his goddamned patient. I begin shaking my head no, repeatedly. I did not want this crazy guy to touch me at all.

"You don't get to chose, Diana. I have made this decision for you." Arthur said, his icy eyes flashing dangerously. That was not going to happen, an uncontrollable feeling came over me as he took a step towards me. A wave of power rushed out of me and knocked Arthur off his feet, I backed up to the headboard and drew my knees to my chest. I rested my head on my knees.

"Faye, I need Faye. Please, can you find her. I need her, she's my best friend." I croaked the words out of my throat, Arthur slowly stood. Eyeing me with wonder, his face showed a mask of calm, as if speaking to a wild beast.

"I can't do that darling, she is with them now. Beyond reach, even for me." He told me slowly.

I felt a wave of sadness come over to me, I turned my head and looked at the other side of the room. Arthur sighed.

"Diana." He spoke. "Diana please?"

I didn't move, he threw his hands into the air and stalked out of the room, slamming the door on his way out. I'm scared, so scared, what are they doing to poor Faye?

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